prodigal dieter returns . . .

I'm fat and tired.

I had started Fitness Pal a few years ago an stopped because I was just eating and eating and eating and eating.

I'm 5'6 and weight 210lbs.

My goal is to weigh 140 lbs.

The smallest I've been was at ate 20 (118lbs) but realistically, that will never happen again. The best weight as a full fledged adult was 128-135lbs)

I need a "fitness tribe" (just read this term while searing for a Zumba class). I hope you all can be my weight warriors (yea, I know but I like how it sounds :).

I've come to the realization that my weight issues are like any other addictive behavior, something that will never go away, just need to find a way to manage it and to make good moment to moment choices.


  • The_Morrighan
    The_Morrighan Posts: 16 Member
    im back here again after a few months away from the whole fitness pal scene, finally off the meds that were causing me to gain so now need to get back to losing,
    happy to join you fitness tribe and be a weight warrior, feel free to add me