
What are some good sources of potassium? I've been looking through my nutritional lists and noticed a lack of it in my diet. I know bananas are a good source, but I can't stand them. Any ideas? Thanks!


  • hdrenollet
    hdrenollet Posts: 147 Member
    I used to have to take a potassium supplement because I wasn't getting enough from food and got tired of eating bananas all the time. It wasn't too bad though, they are small pills and I would throw them in the blender with my protein shakes.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    Potatoes are an excellent source of potassium. Pretty much all the foods you would think of as healthy have a lot of potassium. All meat has potassium, but you get more from things like fish and chicken.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
  • shortiequinn
    shortiequinn Posts: 38 Member
    Fruits and Vegetables... Be careful of supplements as they can cause major health issues especially if you have kidney problems.
  • DaAwalk
    DaAwalk Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for the advice. I'll try to incorporate these into my diet. The supplement seems like my best bet in the meantime, but i'll try to do my homework before choosing one.
  • TrickyDisco
    TrickyDisco Posts: 2,869 Member
    I don't rely on the accuracy of the vits and minerals in the nutrition info here, as the food database info is supplied by members presumably mostly from the nutrition labels on foods - but how many food labels give concise info about vits/minerals? Here in the UK many quote only a little info; usually fat, sugar, protein, carbs, fibre, then maybe calcium and vit c, not much else.
  • earth_echo
    earth_echo Posts: 133 Member
    Salt substitute is pretty much pure potassium. Use it instead of salt or add it in very small amounts to whatever you drink.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    Potatoes have a lot of potassium as do tomatoes. Mushrooms, legumes, winter squash. It's just that bananas are the first thing that comes to mind with people....
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    DaAwalk wrote: »
    What are some good sources of potassium? I've been looking through my nutritional lists and noticed a lack of it in my diet. I know bananas are a good source, but I can't stand them. Any ideas? Thanks!

    Okay now I know I am over tired. I read this like 4 times and honestly thought it said possum. I was like wtf?!? Why would you care if your diet lacked possum lol.
  • Ulwaz
    Ulwaz Posts: 380 Member
    bananas and potatoes :3
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    DaAwalk wrote: »
    What are some good sources of potassium? I've been looking through my nutritional lists and noticed a lack of it in my diet. I know bananas are a good source, but I can't stand them. Any ideas? Thanks!

    Okay now I know I am over tired. I read this like 4 times and honestly thought it said possum. I was like wtf?!? Why would you care if your diet lacked possum lol.

    Well, possum may be a good source of potassium.
  • Archon2
    Archon2 Posts: 462 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Okay now I know I am over tired. I read this like 4 times and honestly thought it said possum. I was like wtf?!? Why would you care if your diet lacked possum lol.

    So, I looked this up. Yes, the Internet is useful indeed.

    "Game meat, opossum, cooked, roasted"

    According to the nutrition facts sheet, the mineral profile of 3oz. cooked Opossum meat:

    Amounts Per Selected Serving %DV
    Calcium14.5mg 1%
    Iron3.9mg 22%
    Magnesium28.9mg 7%
    Phosphorus236mg 24%
    Potassium372mg 11%
    Sodium49.3 mg2%
    Zinc1.9mg 13%
    Copper0.2mg 8%
    Manganese~ ~
    Selenium15.5mcg 22%

    Looks like the amount of Potassium in only 3oz. of Possum meat is pretty darn high. I'd say it is a worthwhile protein source with a nice bonus for Potassium levels indeed.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Archon2 wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Okay now I know I am over tired. I read this like 4 times and honestly thought it said possum. I was like wtf?!? Why would you care if your diet lacked possum lol.

    So, I looked this up. Yes, the Internet is useful indeed.

    "Game meat, opossum, cooked, roasted"

    According to the nutrition facts sheet, the mineral profile of 3oz. cooked Opossum meat:

    Amounts Per Selected Serving %DV
    Calcium14.5mg 1%
    Iron3.9mg 22%
    Magnesium28.9mg 7%
    Phosphorus236mg 24%
    Potassium372mg 11%
    Sodium49.3 mg2%
    Zinc1.9mg 13%
    Copper0.2mg 8%
    Manganese~ ~
    Selenium15.5mcg 22%

    Looks like the amount of Potassium in only 3oz. of Possum meat is pretty darn high. I'd say it is a worthwhile protein source with a nice bonus for Potassium levels indeed.

    Blaugh. No thank you. I draw the line at roadkill lol.
  • jpaulie
    jpaulie Posts: 917 Member
    lot's of things out there as mentioned. I add Nosalt to my cooking along with regular salt. NoSalt is basically potassium and is a good 'top up'. I think 525mg potassium per gram which is about what i use in a day
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Okay now I know I am over tired. I read this like 4 times and honestly thought it said possum. I was like wtf?!? Why would you care if your diet lacked possum lol.

    ha ha....one of the best laughs I've had today, even up against the vibrator thread. LOL

  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    You may already be getting a decent amount of potassium since it's not required to be on food labels. I know I see my potassium jump up when I eat potatoes.
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Archon2 wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Okay now I know I am over tired. I read this like 4 times and honestly thought it said possum. I was like wtf?!? Why would you care if your diet lacked possum lol.

    So, I looked this up. Yes, the Internet is useful indeed.

    "Game meat, opossum, cooked, roasted"

    According to the nutrition facts sheet, the mineral profile of 3oz. cooked Opossum meat:

    Amounts Per Selected Serving %DV
    Calcium14.5mg 1%
    Iron3.9mg 22%
    Magnesium28.9mg 7%
    Phosphorus236mg 24%
    Potassium372mg 11%
    Sodium49.3 mg2%
    Zinc1.9mg 13%
    Copper0.2mg 8%
    Manganese~ ~
    Selenium15.5mcg 22%

    Looks like the amount of Potassium in only 3oz. of Possum meat is pretty darn high. I'd say it is a worthwhile protein source with a nice bonus for Potassium levels indeed.

    Blaugh. No thank you. I draw the line at roadkill lol.

    So I take it you won't eat roadkill like they did in The Waterboy?
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    It's true that potassium is not listed on a lot of labels. I don't trust the food in the MFP database or a food label to give me 100% of the info - potassium is something I am concerned about tracking, so I use this site:

  • Hollywood_Porky
    Hollywood_Porky Posts: 491 Member
    Kale, spinach, AVOCADOS - my favorite fruit, there are several above bananas. Bananas are good for pre-workouts - but not as good because of the carb to fiber ratio. Avocados contain an excellent carb/fiber ratio and the potassium is through the roof. If you ate three large Haas avocados in one day, you would have 2700mg of Potassium alone. The sugar calories are minimal because net carbs is good.