Fitbit calories not showing up?

my Fitbit and mfp seem to be linked. My Fitbit steps are showing up in mfp activity, but no calories. Any thoughts? I've been sick so I haven't done too much activity, but I thought there would be some calories there.



  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    I have that same problem. The current day with show the calorie adjustment, but then when I look at previous entries, the calories are at 0. :neutral_face:
  • jensmith28
    jensmith28 Posts: 6 Member
    Hmm. Mine won't even do that! I always have 0.
  • Mine doesn't do that either.
  • BearcatRN88
    BearcatRN88 Posts: 5 Member
    I think mfp already accounts for how much activity you do and bases your calories off of that, so that's why they don't count? I could be wrong...
  • allbomb
    allbomb Posts: 14 Member
    Unless I hit somewhere around 6,000 step MFP gives me 0 for exercise.
  • sloanja
    sloanja Posts: 7 Member
    I use the jawbone and notice it won't give me any calorie adjust till I get somewhere over 5000
  • jensmith28
    jensmith28 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks everyone! I've been finding that when I get to 5000 steps I start getting calories too.