
Hi! I'm Alison. I'm new to the community but not my fitness pal. I am struggling. I have 100lbs to lose but I can't seem to find the off switch when temptation is around, especially when I'm stressed at work or have a lot going on. It's like OMG DOUGHNUTS! And by the time I go no! Don't It's already in my gullet. I'm tired of being this heavy but I don't know if it's a motivational issue or a programming brain training issue. I TRY to avoid the kitchens at both offices. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. Also side note. I have a sneak eating issue as well. Any help is welcome. Thank you


  • cyberblonde
    cyberblonde Posts: 100 Member
    Be honest with yourself and log everything even if you do not like what to have to type in and work out what your current eating levels are. Then cut down a bit at a time and don't go mad down to some ridiculous low cal option like 1200 per day as you are just going to run for the hills and give up on day 1. I know what it is like to struggle with food and I used to have a huge problem with food which consumed me. I am glad to say that I have left those days behind. It is horrible when food controls you so much. I wish you loads of luck. You will feel better with every pound. Remember a lb per week is all you need, slow and steady and then by the time you reach your goal you will be eating forever at a different rate and you should find it easier to keep off. Add me as a friend, happy to encourage you.
  • Thank you. How do I add?
  • aeviescas
    aeviescas Posts: 26 Member
    Click their name and the "Add Friend" button should be on the next screen.

    You may have a stress problem in general. Is anything in particular a reliable food trigger? You may want to deal with it proactively.

    Also try to have healthy snacks on hand (I love roasted seaweed) for when the craving hits, then eat that before you go for the doughnut (also get rid of doughnuts!)

    Drinking tea can also be a way of dealing with stress AND hunger, and it's calorie free.

    Good luck!
  • AbsolutelyAnnie
    AbsolutelyAnnie Posts: 2,695 Member
    Hi Alison. You are on track with knowing it is best to avoid the office kitchen whenever possible. I wonder if you have a chance to make a culture change at work by suggesting that donuts cease and desist and be replaced by fruit and/or other healthier fare. It's worth a try. I am sure roasted seaweed is lovely, but I am not sure it would help me get on the other side of a donut craving. :blush: A banana would. So would knowing I could plan to have 1 (that's one) donut each Friday (that's once a week) as long as I had strategically planned my calories for the week and the day to allow for a treat (not a cheat) and still be in enough of a deficit to lose weight. Prelog your food for the day, even a couple days in advance, and stick to it. And make sure you are not set to such a low calorie goal that you are overly hungry all the freaking time. Think, plan, act.

    THIS: When stress hits and cravings are hard, take 3 long, deep, slow breaths. Really deep. Really slow. With each breath, remind yourself what you really want 6 months from now, a year from now, 5 years from now. And say a little prayer, if you are so inclined. The donut won't be as interesting and you will have calmed yourself in the process. Walking, whether around the block or just up and down the corridor, will also help you get on the other side of stress. It is a huge personal victory each time you can deal with your emotions without turning to food.

    Feel free to add me as well.
  • To all 3 of you thank you so much for your kind words, motivation, and suggestions. :-*