Hunger ...grrr.....I'm always hungry!



  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    edited January 2015
    I ate 5-7 small meals a day for several years. When I was actually paying attention to my calorie intake I found I was hungry all the time. All I would think about was when my next meal/snack was. I realized I like to feel full (not stuffed, but comfortably full). I don't feel this way off 250-300 calories. So I decided to try to switch to 3 larger meals a day (and 2 small snacks). I've been having a small portion of veggies between breakfast & lunch (so that's hardly any calories), and something small (100-150 cals) before I workout.

    It's only been a few weeks, but so far eating this way I feel like I'm eating more, I'm actually full after & I don't obsessively think about food for the next few hours.
  • Nic123fitness
    Nic123fitness Posts: 27 Member
    I’ve been wondering about how to manage the sensation of hunger, I’m hungry lots too. It sounds simple, but just knowing I don’t need to rush off for a sandwich straight away helps. Its ok to be hungry before a meal huh? I don’t drink too much water, so I’m seeing if I can do something about that. Bulking up meals with veggies is a must, as is having some more protein, and regular gym trips. I tend to go too extreme, and then am ravenous!
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    When you exercise, do you eat back those calories? That's the way mfp is set up. It doesn't account for the calories you burn, and you need to fuel your body for those runs. Eat back between 50-75% of them.
  • lthames0810
    lthames0810 Posts: 722 Member
    I manage hunger by changing the way I think about it. (Though, granted, some people tolerate the sensation better than others.) I eat plenty so I know my hunger is not a signal that I'm about to die from starvation. It simply means there's space available. I don't feel compelled to eat something (anything) at the first rumble.