Getting started...again

Hello All
I have done my fitness pal a few times now. I start out great, last a few days. Sometimes maybe weeks. As soon as I start seeing results I stop. This time I really want to keep on track. I am a person with high energy and if I don't get it out(exercising) then it affects my moods severely. I also have a food addiction. Food consumes my thoughts. Happy, sad, lonely, depressed, it doesn't matter. I eat.
I want to take back control of my life.


  • slittle80
    slittle80 Posts: 80 Member
    Hi, and welcome back to MFP.
  • Abbie_T
    Abbie_T Posts: 38
    I feel like I have a lot in common with you. I've lost a fair amount of weight in the past, and have always put it back on each time - I get happy, and complacent, or I achieve my goals and don't set new ones, so I just stop!

    For me, I have to remind myself about what I want more: Food, or to loose weight, become more confidence and get fit again.

    Now I love food, and struggle to restrict myself, I also tend to comfort eat as soon as I get hit by a little stress, and I think it's about finding other outlets, find something that you can do as soon as you feel sad/lonely you can do something to make you feel better. Also finding a diet that isn't restrictive and allows for snacking and enough food to sustain you and not leave you wanting more.

    For me, writing a blog and swimming, seems to keep me sane. That said, I'm still trying to cut out the comfort eating and replace it with something constructive; like walking/jogging (something I can do as soon as anything stressful hits me, before I can reach for the food).

    Good luck, I totally understand how you feel - but you can do it!
    There's nothing more supportive than the MFP community!
  • Kaymiller
    Kaymiller Posts: 10 Member
    Hi. Wow, your story sounds horribly familiar! It would be great to be MFP pals.

    I've dipped in and out of MFP over the years. I lose a few pounds, then something happens (some excuse or another) and I stop watching what I eat.

    I've been really focused since 1 January - checking in everyday and watching what I eat really carefully. I've been eating a vegan diet (first time I've ever tried this), and restricted my alcohol consumption to one day a week. The impact has been huge. I've lost 12 pounds this month. This never happens. I lose a pound a week, tops - even eating 1200 cals a day.

    I've been tracking my weight every day, and the impact of drinking booze is just scary. Basically, if I drink, then I don't lose any weight at all for 3-4 days. It's been an eye opener.

    I'm not intending to stick with the vegan diet because as much as I find it OK, it is restrictive and a bit of a pain as it means I don't eat the same evening meal as my family. It has taught me a lot though. It's re-educated me about how food really should be primarily about fuelling my body, and less about indulgence - if that makes sense.

    Anyway, has worked for me, and I hope you find success.

    Kay x
  • SuzyH
    SuzyH Posts: 196 Member
    I'd love to join you all. Three years ago, using MFP, I lost the weight. Then... you know the story, back to working on getting another 15 pounds off. I work out in the early morning and am looking for some support. I'm new to the board, so I'm not quite sure how to get back to this group or if this will even post.
  • markvictoria3
    markvictoria3 Posts: 7 Member
    I'd like to join in on this. I have the same issues. Consistency! I quit smoking 5 months ago and the wt started creeping up. I'm running and wt training. Just need some support in the motivation dept I guess. I signed up for a Warrior dash in March so I really need to stay on track!
  • joylevelup
    joylevelup Posts: 63 Member
    Welcome back! I've been starting here more times than I would like to say. So far, so good and I must say, getting MFP friends for support and motivation is like a super injection of inspiration. Feel free to add me! Good luck. You can do day at a time.
  • mandymayner
    mandymayner Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks joylevelup.
  • mandymayner
    mandymayner Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks everyone. Your support feels great !!
  • mandymayner
    mandymayner Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks everyone. Your support feels great !!