Im Stuck and need help!!

Hello Everyone. I have never posted on here, but have used my fitness pal for 6 years (off and on). After I had my DS 6 years ago I worked hard counted calories and lost 95 lbs. Through the years i have kept it off give or take 5-10lbs. Well I never reached my goal (20 lbs shy). For the last 4 weeks I have stayed in my calories (1200) worked out 4 days a week. I ride a stationary bike 30 - 45 min a day and also started Tracy Anderson Method. I am gaining weight!!! Im up 2 lbs. PLEASE give me some advice. Im so stuck and about to consider Lipo. I don't eat a lot of sweets or carbs. I drink 72 oz of water daily! Im a female 31 years old 5'9 and weigh 173.


  • Maybe try doing treadmill interval workouts? Type it into google and they have 20-40 minute workouts that use fast walking (usually around 4) with high inclines (ranging from 3-12) and I have lost 5 pounds in a week. I am similar in height and weight to you as well so maybe this will work well for you. I think it is important to not just stick with the same workout, your body gets used to it and you need to mix it up and up the intensity every now and then.
  • mandymd83
    mandymd83 Posts: 22 Member
    I was wondering if that was possible. I have rode this bike well for 6 years. I was afraid my body was saying "Yeah been there done that". Thanks Maybe its time for a change!
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Can you open your diary?

    Also, 1200 is going to be too aggressive a goal for you. Switch to .5-1 pound per week, since you only have 20 pounds to lose.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    • Set a realistic goal - such as 1 pound per week. This will give you a more reasonable calorie intake level per day.
    • Log your intake accurately and honestly. This means weighing solids, using spoons/cups only for liquids, and tracking all you consume. Also being careful to choose appropriate database entries. Avoid generic listings, and avoid other people's 'homemade' entries.
    • Be realistic on your calories burned. Typically we burn less than the machine says.
    • Review results on a monthly basis. Weigh in as often as you want, but compare your weight today to your weight a month ago. Why? Hormones affect our water weight and tend to work on a monthly cycle.
  • mandymd83
    mandymd83 Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks everyone this is wonderful advice. I needed to hear some new views and Im going to apply them today!! Thanks again