Fit by 40!

Who's with me? I'm 38 almost 39 year old. Battled a lifetime of wars in my lifetime but I've won and I can honestly say that I'm okay. As in, I'm in okay health (good blood pressure, sugars good, diets okay etc), I'm okay with my looks, I'm okay with the way I feel and I'm okay with my life in general. But as I look into the near future I am starting to realize that okay is not good enough. So my mission.... fit by 40. So instead of rushing and failing 2 months before my 40th birthday and dealing with my failure by hanging out with Ben and Jerry, I am going to dedicate the next year to getting fit and healthy. I don't want to be "okay" anymore, I want to be great.

Every change needs a plan. So here are the things I plan to work on in the next year.
1. Ban the "mom bod", you know, the midsection roll, the jiggly thighs, yoga pants wearing, ponytail hair woman. I used to think "I'll never be like that". Yeah, right. I vow to feel good in my clothes, not care about the size but the way I feel about myself.
2. Stop looking like a tired hooker: Yeah I stole that line but it's true. I have 2 young children and work a full time job. I am constantly haggard looking. I get up and am running around packing lunches, finding lost objects, wiping butts, finding lost objects, kissing booboos, finding lost objects; that I usually have 30 seconds to apply my makeup at the stoplight. Yeah I'm that woman. I think my clothes will soon come back into style b/c, lets see, the jeans I'm wearing now are 10 years old. I'm going to start making time for myself and sleep more.
3. Be Stronger... strike that, I want to FEEL stronger. Nothing better then when you start to feel your muscles start to change and tighten up and you just feel better about yourself. I may never be Linda Hamilton in the terminator strong, but I can get to be my version of this.
4. Look Younger: Just go to success stories here. The number one comment seems to be "you look so much younger!". Well I don't want to look 40 even though I am 40, geeze I don't want to look 50 even though I'm only 40, that would be worse. I don't have a goal of looking 20, and I won't be going through any more surgery unnecessarily, so I've decided to take care of what I've got (skin, teeth, hair and body). I realize there is no magic cream, pill, cleanse, lotion etc that will give me that. My plan? It's rather simple, eat right, exercise and drink water.
5. Follow through: To be honest my attempts in the last year to lose this weight and follow a healthier lifestyle has been half-assed at best. I'm done and ready to get back to this lifestyle that I saw a glimpse of 5 years ago.

I can really use active friends who are looking for the same goals. People who realize that it won't happen overnight but with consistency and dedication, it will happen over time.


  • roady29
    roady29 Posts: 86 Member
    I am loving your plan!
  • DeeRay101712
    DeeRay101712 Posts: 28 Member
    Love your post! I can totally relate. I want to be fit for 40 too. I'm 39 now, turning 40 in November, and a SAHM with a 2 year old girl. Would love more friends too so I'll send you a FR. :smile:
  • randilynn113
    randilynn113 Posts: 227 Member
    I'm 38 and would like to be fit for 40 as well :) I sent you a FR
  • missyjg99
    missyjg99 Posts: 246 Member
    Love your post! I can totally relate. I want to be fit for 40 too. I'm 39 now, turning 40 in November, and a SAHM with a 2 year old girl. Would love more friends too so I'll send you a FR. :smile:

    Sure!! I have an 19 month demolition engeneer and a 4 year old princess. I'm sure you can relate.
  • missyjg99
    missyjg99 Posts: 246 Member
    roady29 wrote: »
    I am loving your plan!

    Thanks. Now to stick with it!
  • charkendrick
    charkendrick Posts: 74 Member
    I'm 44 and have been on here for almost a year. I've lost 48 lbs. so far. Feel free to add me! P.S. Turning 40 wasn't too bad ;)
  • gillstewart
    gillstewart Posts: 16 Member
    Wow! I could've written that myself! This is also my goal, I'll be 39 in July and I want this year to be fit and healthy so that when I hit 40 I'm in maintance and not crash dieting! I've lost a stone this month, exercise exercise exercise is the way to go for me! x
  • gillstewart
    gillstewart Posts: 16 Member
    for some reason I can't request friends...but feel free to request me :) x
  • TheRealLTM
    TheRealLTM Posts: 5
    edited January 2015
    Oh my gosh, I am so happy I stumbling on this group. I am doing an Operation Fab 40 plan. I'll be 39 next month and have a lot of your same goals. I don't even have kids, but have struggled with weight most of my life. I am overall very healthy. All of my numbers are great, but like you I want to be GREAT, not just good! Count me in! We got this! And Gill Stewart, I agree. I felt like I wrote this! LOL
  • missyjg99
    missyjg99 Posts: 246 Member
    TheRealLTM wrote: »
    Oh my gosh, I am so happy I stumbling on this group. I am doing an Operation Fab 40 plan. I'll be 39 next month and have a lot of your same goals. I don't even have kids, but have struggled with weight most of my life. I am overall very healthy. All of my numbers are great, but like you I want to be GREAT, not just good! Count me in! We got this! And Gill Stewart, I agree. I felt like I wrote this! LOL

    Fr sent!
  • missyjg99
    missyjg99 Posts: 246 Member
    I'm 44 and have been on here for almost a year. I've lost 48 lbs. so far. Feel free to add me! P.S. Turning 40 wasn't too bad ;)

    Congratulations on your loss so far!
  • JolovesElvis2015
    JolovesElvis2015 Posts: 4 Member
    Wish I had the insight and motivation not to let myself a year ago. I got 6 months to lose a stone before the big four o, Am determined not to be forty and fat
  • dln1975
    dln1975 Posts: 62 Member
    Love your post!! Still smiling thinking about it!! I just turned 40 almost two weeks ago and honestly... not bad at all! The days leading up to the "big day" kind of freaked me out, but now? I'm doing pretty good, down 30 pounds and feeling like this time is it - that I WILL make it to goal (and beyond). Though obviously I wish I would have started long before I did (as we all do it seems)!! So kudos to you for grabbing the bull by the horns and getting 'er done!! I know you got this and I know you'll be "fit by 40"!! Feel free to send me a FR if you'd like! :smile:
  • PNW_livin
    PNW_livin Posts: 97 Member
    38 feel free to add me anyone.
  • missyjg99
    missyjg99 Posts: 246 Member
    dln1975 wrote: »
    Love your post!! Still smiling thinking about it!! I just turned 40 almost two weeks ago and honestly... not bad at all! The days leading up to the "big day" kind of freaked me out, but now? I'm doing pretty good, down 30 pounds and feeling like this time is it - that I WILL make it to goal (and beyond). Though obviously I wish I would have started long before I did (as we all do it seems)!! So kudos to you for grabbing the bull by the horns and getting 'er done!! I know you got this and I know you'll be "fit by 40"!! Feel free to send me a FR if you'd like! :smile:

    Congrats on your loss so far! Sent you a FR
  • missyjg99
    missyjg99 Posts: 246 Member
    Wish I had the insight and motivation not to let myself a year ago. I got 6 months to lose a stone before the big four o, Am determined not to be forty and fat
    That's doable! Best of luck.
  • lewb31
    lewb31 Posts: 6
    In the same boat, but my 40 is coming up a bit faster. Your plan is great! I was a good weight up until about 28 years old, had kids and have been giving to everyone else and stress eating the whole way through my 30s. I want to feel good in my 40s about myself. I've got until June--want to lose 35 pounds by then. Then I'd like to get down to my old weight by losing 15 more after that.. But I'd be happy with the 35. (I've already lost 10 in the past month.) I really, really don't want to fail this time. I feel like this is my last chance. Glad to know there's others out there with the same goal right now...let's not give up!
  • missyjg99
    missyjg99 Posts: 246 Member
    lewb31 wrote: »
    In the same boat, but my 40 is coming up a bit faster. Your plan is great! I was a good weight up until about 28 years old, had kids and have been giving to everyone else and stress eating the whole way through my 30s. I want to feel good in my 40s about myself. I've got until June--want to lose 35 pounds by then. Then I'd like to get down to my old weight by losing 15 more after that.. But I'd be happy with the 35. (I've already lost 10 in the past month.) I really, really don't want to fail this time. I feel like this is my last chance. Glad to know there's others out there with the same goal right now...let's not give up!

    I understand the giving giving giving. Everyone wants something and then you finally look at yourself and are like "WTF, who is this person?!".
    You're doing great so far! I feel like my birthday won't be the destination and final point but just one of my goals. You got this. In 2012 I lost 50lbs on MFP from April-September. So i know I can do it. I have 100lbs to lose.
  • lewb31
    lewb31 Posts: 6
    Wow! 50 pounds lost! That is so awesome! You'll definitely succeed if you stick with it again! I tried last year and only made it to 12 lost, but I am super determined now. Seriously, I think the best part of MFP is the calorie log. On a typical day I easily eat about 4,000 calories. Now that I'm logging, I'm keeping my net calories to just under 1200. It's amazing how many calories in some things!
  • MalekaSparkle
    MalekaSparkle Posts: 18 Member
    I'll be 40 in 2016, so this is my motivation app to help me stay focused on my Fabulous at 40 campaign! Feel free to add me ! Planning on Sparkling at my 40th bday celebration!