Telling people about my lifestyle change or no?



  • kmayers143
    kmayers143 Posts: 56 Member
    I keep everything to myself, except for my family and close friends. But I don't post on social medias. I, however, want to one day post a before and after photo on instagram and let everyone find out about my lifestyle changes then. But for now, I keep everything to myself. :)
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    When you announce it, it seems like other people take it as permission to make comments about how to lose weight, and somehow gives them the right to speak up about your diet (noun).

    Last year I made what I thought was an innocent comment on Facebook about going back to the gym. After that several acquaintances started messaging me about the life changing shakes that they sell. Now I limit what I say and limit who I say it to.
  • Whittedo
    Whittedo Posts: 352 Member
    I am keeping it quiet. If someone notices I will say something, but so far no one has noticed. Of course I am only on my 4th week of this and I wear baggy clothes, so I guess I can't blame them.
  • astrose00
    astrose00 Posts: 754 Member
    Didn't read all the comments (will do that later) but when I started I let the coworkers I used to go to lunch with know I would be bringing in my lunch and was going to be losing weight. They have been incredibly supportive and acknowledge my gains (I mean losses!) frequently. I know not everyone is like that. I found it is easier to just let friends know so there are no misunderstandings. As for strangers, I don't tell them anything. They have eyes.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I only posted on FB when I lost my first 40 pounds. Didn't really tell anyone before that, except my mom.
  • Timorous_Beastie
    Timorous_Beastie Posts: 595 Member
    I'm part of some fitness groups on FB and talk about stuff with them, and sometimes I'll post Runkeeper runs, but I really consider eating right and exercising to be part of my everyday maintenance. It'd be like posting a status, "I shaved my legs today," or "I brushed my teeth."
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    I didn't tell people, my family knew, but like people at work etc didn't know until after I lost 25kg and they started telling me to buy smaller closes or the I have lost a *kitten* tonne of weight and asking me what I was doing to lose weight.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    I don't usually talk about it. People do notice when I'm logging or scanning something when I haven't pre-logged and if they ask, I tell.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    I only told my hubby when I started this journey. Of course now that I've loss 70 lbs., everybody in my life knows; however, I only talk about food/exercise if someone ask me about what I'm doing.
  • jeannettemancini
    jeannettemancini Posts: 58 Member
    First time (10 years ago) I didn't tell. This time I have tried and failed twice. So this third try I'm being very public and people are being very encouraging
  • ilovemypeekapug
    ilovemypeekapug Posts: 106 Member
    I have learned to keep it quiet for several reasons. As previous members have posted, everyone will give you your opinion. They'll tell you that counting calories is old fashioned, doesn't work, is obsessive, etc. They will also offer you THEIR solutions....special shakes, workouts, juicing tips, etc. The annoying people will try to sabotage you by bringing donuts to the office. But the biggest reason, is because if I have an "off" day and come in with a mtn dew or a Grande peppermint mocha, everyone looks at me with the look of "yeah, I knew she wouldn't last." Who needs that? They'll notice eventually that you've lost weight. BTW, O.P., your profile pic is amazing! I don't see any extra weight to lose, but best of luck to you!
  • Th3Ph03n1x
    Th3Ph03n1x Posts: 275 Member
    Hey guys,

    So today while I was preparing my breakfast I was thinking to myself about the last time I had embarked on a lifestyle change. I did it in High school my senior year and pretty much didn't tell anyone, but I guess people could tell considering I brought healthy stuff for lunch. Whenever people asked me if I was on a diet, I would deny it and say that junk food made me sick, etc. basically any excuse to not let them know. The reason really was because I was sort of embarrassed to let people know. The thing is that I realized that not letting people know or calling it a diet, really helped. I found myself easily choosing healthy stuff over junk simply because I had to keep up with the notion that I was a "healthy" person to my peers and in turn I lost 30lbs in a few months and kept it off for a good while. I started my second try at becoming healthy about a week ago and I haven't told anyone either expect a friend who is doing the same. I want to share my progress on social media but I kind of don't want to at the same time.

    So my question is, do you tell people about your lifestyle change and/or post on social media about it or just go about it like its something you normally do? do you find it easier to keep it yourself?

    Everyone is different but to me this isn't a diet it's a healthier lifestyle. I've been posting a little update on facebook after every weigh in. My family and close friends can see it so I feel like it keeps me accountable. Also they post words of encouragement and that doesn't hurt either. a good part of my family seems to be moving towards healthier lifestyles so that is sort of cool.
  • ninayoungdog617
    ninayoungdog617 Posts: 55 Member
    I have not posted anything on Facebook. I get lots of support from MFP and I try to give support as well. At work people have noticed and I share if asked. My family knows and they are supportive too.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    Ha, I did talk about it, yes, because once I saw results, I was so excited I wanted to spread the news. I'm pretty sure a lot of people didn't really want to hear it, though.
  • isamargomez
    isamargomez Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you everyone for responding! Looks like most of you agree that sharing just leads to people giving you unwanted tips, etc. I mostly asked because I have a friend who is loosing weight as well and posted about her weight loss and got so much lovely comments, I guess I just wanted the same too! but you're all right, this is a lifestyle change, not a diet. If they notice i'll say but other than that I won't kiss and tell haha :)
  • isamargomez
    isamargomez Posts: 10 Member
    BTW, O.P., your profile pic is amazing! I don't see any extra weight to lose, but best of luck to you!
    Thank you! This is actually me before I gained 40 lbs in college-its my motivation to get back in shape :)
  • Th3Admiral
    Honestly, I really prefer to keep it to myself. I would rather no one know, but that comes from twelve years of EDs and five hospitalizations. It's something that I feel is meant to be hidden. I've told all my close friends, family, and health care providers. I can't relapse again, I have a young baby. At the same time, I can't stay at my post-pregnancy weight because its a huge trigger. So everyone important knows so I'm accountable, just in a different way than most who endeavor to lose weight. I agree with not opening up to everyone, but I do feel everyone should have a few close people who know. EDs are a very slippery slope.

    Just my opinion.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I didn't tell anyone either. I figure most people don't want to hear about how you are eating better and exercising. I get the impression is makes others feel self conscious. And some people won't shut up about their new can old listing to someone carry on about themselves. I try to be sensitive.

    Someone accused me of having a past of not eating so great. I was puzzled- I can't remember the bad choices. I'm sure I've always eaten smart.

    I don't do social media. Meh.
  • Th3Ph03n1x
    Th3Ph03n1x Posts: 275 Member
    edited January 2015
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    I didn't tell anyone either. I figure most people don't want to hear about how you are eating better and exercising. I get the impression is makes others feel self conscious. And some people won't shut up about their new can old listing to someone carry on about themselves. I try to be sensitive.

    Someone accused me of having a past of not eating so great. I was puzzled- I can't remember the bad choices. I'm sure I've always eaten smart.

    I don't do social media. Meh.

    *Shrug* it seems to be a trend with my facebook crowd. Actually feeling bad is pretty much what motivated me to do something about it. Maybe that'll happen for some of my fb peeps too.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    My MFP friends and one or two close offline friends know and are very supportive of me. Everyone else? Nah, I don't bother telling anyone.

    Not because I'm embarrassed. Mostly because I find people who go on and on about such-and-such diet or workout plan to be rather tiresome and boring.

    Also, I didn't send out a press release when I gained the weight, so why would I when I lose the weight? Most people don't notice anyway; they're much more involved in their own lives.