
Hi I am Samantha. I have an amazing hubby. And 5 kids. I have struggled with my weight since I had my kids. My youngest is 8. I don't like me like this but I never stick with it. I need people to tell me I can and help me along the way. That's me in a nutshell.


  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Hey Samantha, welcome :) Well let me be the first person to say You Can!! ;) You most definitely can drop this weight and change your like by getting healthy.
  • teresaryan67
    teresaryan67 Posts: 71 Member
    You can do this!! Motivation - make smaller goals that work to the big one. Find exercise you like. Add me as a friend if you want. :). Good luck to you!!
  • ahokay89
    ahokay89 Posts: 353
  • nwdpll
    nwdpll Posts: 5
    Hi Samantha, I understand about not liking yourself like you are. I have been there. I finally decided to picture myself (in my head )like I want to looj like. Then telling myself I didn't get here iver night. Love yourself. Love your journey, and take time to learn about who you are inside and what you want out of life. Then break it down into mini goals. Before you know it you will be at your goal! You can do this!