This foodie needs more willpower

my name is Shannon. I'll be 40 in June and would like to lose 20 lbs before then. I hate working out and eating healthy so I'm proud of myself for the 8 lbs I've lost so far. My problem is I lose and usually gain it right back...


  • Hi Shannon, congrats on your progress so far ☺ I suppose you just have to want it bad enough to work hard to get it. Im constantly struggling to stick to it but I just have to look in the mirror to remind myself that Im over being fat! Feel free to add me and I will make you accountable
  • bm1409
    bm1409 Posts: 1,715 Member
    congrats on the 8 pounds! I am 54 and have always hated working out until now. I think the more you go and seeing your body change you start liking it. The same with eating healthy. I have noticed that when I eat like crap I feel like crap. I wish I made these changes when I was younger.
  • MissVictoriaG
    MissVictoriaG Posts: 61 Member
    Hi, I'm a foodie as well, take the healthy eating a day at a time. Dont get caught up with fad diets. Stick to the basics: fresh fruits & vegetables, chicken, fish and seafood. Drink Water. Stay active. Moderation on foods I love has been big help for me. I don't deny my self, instead of a pastry/cake etc few times a week,now only once a week. lost 16 lbs in 4 months, toning up well also. 15-20 more to go. Well wishes to you on your journey.
  • JimFsfitnesspal
    JimFsfitnesspal Posts: 313 Member
    My wife doesnt even recognize me anymore. I now favor eating celery over baguette bread. I would say small changes that stick are better. It used to be that 15 minutes of working out was a chore but now I try to limit myself to an hour because Im addicted. I agree with Siren in that you need a self-motivating reason. Man boobs was the last straw for me. Ive gone from 203 to 184 but I will not stop until I hit 167 and look ripped. Nutrition and excercise is my lifestyle now and I enjoy doing the work. Good luck.
  • hezemakiah
    hezemakiah Posts: 157 Member
    You can do it now so you have more time to enjoy feeling good!! I'm 48 and want to lose 90 lbs by the time I turn 50. Just calories in calories out and get out and exercise. Eventually you won't want to stop! Just imagine how you want to feel and look - keep that image in your mind and bring it out when someone brings cupcakes and chips to the party! We can do this!
  • teresaryan67
    teresaryan67 Posts: 71 Member
    Congrats on the 8 lbs. try to find an exercise you like. You can do this, and we all need better will power at times. Good luck to you!!! I still have 50 pounds to lose my self.