Let's be friends and motivate eachother to better ourselves! (:

Hi, I'm Elaina! My journey to a healthier body started a few days ago on Janurary 22nd! On that day, I decided to go vegetarian AND stop drinking soda. So far, so good. (: Within the last 10 days no meat or sofa had touched my lips!


  • VeroSantosJ
    Good for you Elaina! Keep it up! I'm new in the community too trying to lose like 20 pounds extras that I gain on honey moon! :) have no idea how to add people here but add me to help me as motivation !
  • Sarahkoolkatkitty
    Sarahkoolkatkitty Posts: 109 Member
    Hi! Great job!! I recently stopped drinking soda too. I sometimes miss it it because I don't drink juice, so that leaves me with only water and coffee, but I am glad to be off the stuff anyway. This is the second time I've gone through diet Pepsi withdrawal and I realized that the feelings of mopiness and misery I felt the first time I quit weren't a coincidence. Good luck with everything!
  • jmiskimen
    I work as a bartender and will change up my water to carbonated water (soda water) and just add squeezed lemon juice. Gives you the same sensation without all the bad crap from the syrup.