Eating back your exercise calories

is eating back exercise calories important for weight loss.. I have been kick boxing 5 days a week For a month and eating right but not lost weight in a couple weeks.. Could this be because I do not eat back my exercise calories.


  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Eating back exercise calories is important for hitting your calorie balance goal - that's how this site is designed.

    But that assumes you have set things up correctly, chosen an appropriate goal and most importantly are logging both food and exercise reasonably accurately. Your diaries are private so no idea what you mean by "eating right".

    But eating more in the last couple of weeks wouldn't have made you lose more weight!
    Two weeks isn't a stall though.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    raysmay wrote: »
    is eating back exercise calories important for weight loss.. I have been kick boxing 5 days a week For a month and eating right but not lost weight in a couple weeks.. Could this be because I do not eat back my exercise calories.

    What does 'eating right' mean? It doesn't sound like you're in deficit to me...
  • CloudyMao
    CloudyMao Posts: 258 Member
    edited January 2015
    Remember only a calorie deficit will make you lose weight, the nutritional density of the food (I assume that by 'eating right' you mean nutritionally dense) you eat does not make any difference to weight loss. Are you maintaining a deficit? It sounds like you're eating at maintenance, still two weeks is a very short amount of time to see a difference, especially if you've recently changed your activity level.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    It's hard to say if you've been "eating right" because you don't have your diary open. Only a calorie deficit will cause weight loss.
  • raysmay
    raysmay Posts: 5 Member
    CloudyMao wrote: »
    Remember only a calorie deficit will make you lose weight, the nutritional density of the food (I assume that by 'eating right' you mean nutritionally dense) you eat does not make any difference to weight loss. Are you maintaining a deficit? It sounds like you're eating at maintenance, still two weeks is a very short amount of time to see a difference, especially if you've recently changed your activity level.

  • raysmay
    raysmay Posts: 5 Member
    I have opened up my food diary so you can see what I am eating and working out daily if this helps at all
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Your exercise calories are way over inflated! What you are logging for 30mins is fairly hard exercise for an hour.
    You also have fitbit calorie adjustments - did your activity setting take that into account?
    (i.e. not double counting.)

    Your sodium is very high (possible water retention).
    Cups are a horribly inaccurate way of measuring many foods.
  • raysmay
    raysmay Posts: 5 Member
    The calorie burn number comes from my hear rate monitor that I wear to kick boxing. I will start weighing in oz. and will check the fit bit setting thank u for the advice