No motivation ( ugh)

so did good for the last 3 years on my journey. In 2013 I was so close hitting my goal and was extremely happy with how I looked and was able to maintain my look doing Chalean extreme and t25. Well 2014 came in and I though " hummm I want more definition" so I got heavier weight and plugged at that for a while with no real change. Got disappointed! Was being told by lots I needed to up cals and macros, so I did. Had my numbers done and they worked well ( maintance numbers) no bulk as I had a beach vacation for New Years planned! The new numbers went fine as long as I worked out 6 days a week! Well life gets in the way at times as we all know and things change from time to time. I got sick at the end of sept with bronchitis and then by nov it had turned into pneumonia! Well I had torn cartilage and chest muscles from all the excessive coughing and it really had affected my workouts during that time frame. Stupid me didn't adjust my cals back into a deficit while not working out!!! I gained of course, not overly tons in the scale but on my Jody it was noticeable! My clothes were barely fitting and with having that beach vacation coming I had hardly anything that fit to pack! I have now been given the ok to workout again but now how no motivation and am all over the place! I am doing les mills pump but am just so bloody tired daily. I only got in 3 workouts this week, with today's. I have another beach vacation mid March and you would think that would be enough motivation to get my *kitten* up and moving again to make sure I looked better then I did on my New Years trip!!!! I am so disappointed I look worse then I did last year when I came so close to my goal and was happy. Why can't I get my *kitten* back into a routine like I used to ????!


  • SunflowerCat74
    SunflowerCat74 Posts: 258 Member
    The more you exercise the better you feel. It does take some time to build up to though after you've been very sick. I made the same mistake not eating at a deficit after my last surgery where I spent an entire month in a recliner and didn't lift anything over 10lbs for 6weeks! It is now 4 months after I got the green light to work out and I'm just now feeling normal and hitting the gym at 100%. Give yourself a chance to heal and you'll get there.
  • haydiz70
    haydiz70 Posts: 56 Member
    Last year was one health problem after another for me. I tore my calf muscle, hurt my back, gained weight because I couldn't exercise, developed frightening heart palpitations (had lots of tests), and eventually learned I had developed exercise induced asthma. In other words, yeah life can get in the way! Ha. :) It has been hard to get back into shape. I literally could only last 10 minutes on the treadmill at first. Now I'm almost back to the endurance level I had before all those calamities struck, and I've lost 16 lbs in 64 days. The weight is dropping much more quickly now that I can work out more intensely again. First month was slow-going. Anyway, just take baby steps at first if you have to. Good luck!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    edited January 2015
    Thx u. I just feel that I am well and feeling well now but it's just the motivation. I am just so tired I always just curl up in bed or go to bed early instead of popping in my dvd! Like last night, should of been cardio, I only workout 30-40 min... i just go to bed instead
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    edited January 2015
    i should of said i have been well since the new year and i have tried to get back into a grove since jan 1st..... i really just need my clothes to fit comfortably again, yet i'm too lazy...
  • johnnycan415
    johnnycan415 Posts: 10 Member
    I don't think that change happens in a straight line, it's a forward moving spiral and not meeting goals is all part of moving forward. Like when I quit smoking (I've quit a million times) I had to remember that just because I had a cigaret didn't mean I started smoking again, I'm still quitting, I just had a smoke.
    And with the exercise thing, or with the diet thing, just because I didn't do the exercise doesn't mean I've stopped, or if I've eaten poorly I haven't stopped watching what I eat.
    imho the feelings of failure are depressing, damage producing, uninspiring and dangerous; they hold us back.
    I think that you're going through is part of the process, change is still on your mind, you'll doit when you do it. I hope you don't punish yourself.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    totally get what you are saying.... but why am i letting being lazy win over getting back into routine? why is my beach vacation mid march not motivating me to get back into the shape i was last year at this time? i want to so badly, yet i end up going to bed early? When i looked back at this new years pics compared to last, it depresses me yes, for most that would be enough motivation to get back at it.... since i gained and i am back in a little deficit as well, i find eating less really hard as well, so that doesn't make it any easier.... i hate the ring of pudge that i now have around my belly button, i also hate i have love handles again but what i hate most is that half my clothes don't fit..... everything is tight and uncomfortable and i'm living in yoga pants, which are also getting too tight....
  • errollmaclean
    errollmaclean Posts: 562 Member
    Why are you so tired? You could add one thing a week and build back up to your old routine.
  • errollmaclean
    errollmaclean Posts: 562 Member
    Also, that's quite the ordeal! Glad you're feeling better!!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    Your guess is as good as mine. I know I don't sleep well but never have. I had blood work done and all was normal... I figured it was my thyroid but my numbers were normal. Well still in the normal range but higher then I like them to be... I had all of this month to get back into routine and barely got any workouts in. I find I can do all my routine in my DVDs except and core stuff as I feel the pull in my ribs, so I avoid those.
    I would add more if I had time. I get 30-40 min a night to exercise and that's it.
  • errollmaclean
    errollmaclean Posts: 562 Member
    I'm the exact same way with sleep. It can wreak havoc on energy levels.

    You might just have to be blunt with yourself. If you want the results, you have to do the work. The awesome news is that you know you can do the work, because you've done it successfully before!

    You know yourself best, so you might be able to outsmart your "unmotivated self". Rewards, treats, bribes, etc. I find scheduling my routines and setting a timer/alarm keeps me from procrastinating. If I get home from work and only have an hour to get my half hour workout done I set an alarm for 5 minutes, I rush to start my workout and by the time I'm in the middle of my workout it's almost done. If I don't give myself time to procrastinate, I don't.

    I also prep meals and freeze them so I don't lose time to cooking on busy days (saves soooo much time! )
  • errollmaclean
    errollmaclean Posts: 562 Member
    edited January 2015
    Also one I've been too chicken to do is promise your friends list a bikini picture at the end of the month (shirtless for me... cause I'm a boy, lol)

    Although if you do that one, add me as a friend please :P
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    lmao... well my last bikini pic is posted so no surprise there,lol...
    i know we are our worst critics too, but i hate when you get " well you look great , or you look just fine, etc".. not to me, right... i know how i want to look and that's not it,lol... ya sure i look better still today even with my gain in the last 4 months then i did 3 years ago, but that's not the point.. i find its not only been the sick time i have had since fall but now it's hubby being on the hwy again... when he's home it messes with my time as he wants to spend the time together because he's not home daily again.... so i cave in.... so i have to try to figure something out with that!
  • errollmaclean
    errollmaclean Posts: 562 Member
    Ooo, yeah finding time can be rough and family time is super important.

    It might be good to have a longer term plan. Like when you're guy's on the road, go really hard with the workouts, then when he's back focus on the eating side... or something, lol. It may take a bit longer to get to your goal, but if you balance it sustainably with your lifestyle it'll be lot less stressful.

    I'm sure once you force yourself to get at it again, after the first couple weeks it'll "click" and you'll be back to your routine.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    ya i hope so. my plan was today as hubby left for a trip but then my son ended up getting sick. ugh. it's always something. well his throwing up seems to have stopped now, so hopefully he will be back to normal tomorrow and then i can get re-started tomorrow..... ive got till wed to make sure i get a exercise in daily,lol at least that will be 4 days this week. 2 cardio and 2 strength...
  • errollmaclean
    errollmaclean Posts: 562 Member
    Oh, well now I see why your so tired :P

    Can't beat yourself up too much when it is stuff that is mostly out of your control! And four days is great!!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    thx. normally i would be happy and content with 4 days a week but cause i'm in a time crunch, i guess i am being harder on myself as how am i going to be happy with how i look in a bikini in march if i can't slim down a bit? it's hard when you have a goal in mind and you just can't seem to get there....