Diary Page has wrong number for exercise

Today I worked out for 72 minutes - average HR 138 so at my height, age and weight I burned 1137 calories gross and 1029 net calories but my diary shows 114 minutes and 1601 calories burned...my food page accurately reflects the caloric burn so I'm really confused where the diary gets its numbers.
- BTW for the "newbies" your net calories (gross include your BMR calories)...


  • 3blackcatz
    -Net calories are calories burned for the activities...gross calories include your bmr calories...didn't get a chance to finish that thought...quick trigger finger :-)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Could you open your diary (make it public) so we can take a look?

    Have you connected MFP to any other devices or apps? If not, the only way it puts in exercise minutes is what you enter.