Friends for a 100lb journey..

I am a 40yo guy who has spend 10 years being obese and blaming the world for my choices. I have recently felt the pain of not being able to participate with my beautiful daughter on activities at an adventure camp due to my weight. I have decided to lose 100lb before Christmas. I have started journeys like this many times and always seemed to fail as I haven't really dealt people in and been honest about the struggles in the journey and have failed. This time I am going to complete the journey but need to get some friends who I can be honest with through the hard times... If you have done a journey like this, or you want to help a fat dad win the heart of his beautiful daughter back, please reach out with a friend request and help me finish this time... Thanks guys..


  • Train4Foodz
    Train4Foodz Posts: 4,298 Member
    Hey there, welcome to the MFP community!!

    It's an absolutely fantastic decision to make and I know that if you put your mind fully into it and give it 110%, not only will you give your bond with you and your daughter a fantastic boost (with the activities you can both go and take part in together) but you'll also give yourself the opportunity to enjoy the healthy lifestyle that you deserve (who woudln't wan't to feel great within themselves, right?!?!).

    Wishing you complete success on your journey.

  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    Hi there ...welcome to an awesome site .....I have over 100 pounds to lose AGAIN UGH... I was on this site in 09/2010 loss 78lbs then I let life and tragic things get in my way ...gave up and deleted my account from here..So I came back this month with more determination than ever ..... Please feel free to add me if you would like my support while you are here ...wishing you much success :)
  • sugarnspice33
    sugarnspice33 Posts: 15 Member
    Congrats! On your decision your daughter is lucky to have you. My personal recommendation is that we brake the journey into segments(from experience). It's going to be awesome to track the activities that u can do with your daughter :)
  • krawkula
    krawkula Posts: 1 Member
    edited January 2015
    I don't exactly what you need for encouragement but if you want we can try to keep track of what were doing to lose weight together. Im currently trying the Keto diet and it seems to be helping a lot. I don't know if its all mental or whether or not its a physical reaction but I tend to not feel hungry any more while I have been at this. Im coming on the 3 week mark, and I am sure its half water weight, but I lost 18lbs in 2 weeks.

    I hit 377 as my highest after Christmas. I went shopping and had one of those depressive nothing fits moments. I am on the verge of moving from a 3X to a 4X and I can see that it wouldn't stop there so I decided to do something. Those words don't do the justice of what I felt, I can't continue like this. I spent a week "introducing myself" to my new diet and saw that the biggest adjustment was the lack of bread/starches, fillers and soda, that much I do really miss. I wasn't super strict but just wanted to see what I could do. Almost mid way through the week I decided to give MFP a try again and see exactly what I was eating on this diet and nutritionally how close I was, I was spot on. After going through that "can I do this" week and not feeling stressed about it ive been going for about 2 more weeks without cravings(maybe a little for candy). Im going to be interested to see how much weight I can consistently lose now that the water weight should be gone.

    Join me, I would like someone to be accountable with too. Maybe if we see each other going we wont want to let the other one "win". And if you like to cook I will share some recipes with ya.

    Edit: Oh and shifterbrainz hit the nail on the head just now. Diets aren't just a temporary thing. If you go back to what put you overweight in the first place you will gain it back. When I am "done" with my 25 Net carb a day keto diet I am going to ease towards the 40-50 carb a day mark to find an equalibrium. They say the average person can stay in ketosis under 50g carbs daily so thats where I think I will be when I "quit". Remember, you will have to be mindful of your eating habits even after you lose the weight.
  • shifterbrainz
    shifterbrainz Posts: 245 Member
    edited January 2015
    Deciding to change your weight by XXX lbs is only a temporary game. You'll weigh less for Christmas but then what? Decide to change your life to whatever it takes for a body to survive and thrive at your goal weight for the rest of your lifetime and you'll only face this once. After that, it's just a matter of time :) If this doesn't make any sense, then I'm probably not a good friend for you. If it does make sense to anybody, then I can and would be very happy to be a very good friend.
  • complexideas
    complexideas Posts: 8 Member
    Deciding to change your weight by XXX lbs is only a temporary game. You'll weigh less for Christmas but then what? Decide to change your life to whatever it takes for a body to survive and thrive at your goal weight for the rest of your lifetime and you'll only face this once. After that, it's just a matter of time :) If this doesn't make any sense, then I'm probably not a good friend for you. If it does make sense to anybody, then I can and would be very happy to be a very good friend.

    I hear you.. Shifterbrainz, I have spent so many years looking for a magic bullet and going "hardcore" just to hit the wall a few weeks later and fall off the wagon.. Truth is I have to relearn what it is to not only take bad habits out, but put new healthy ones in.. Hopefully MFP can help me look at myself and my habits and help me find the new lifestyle I want to adopt for the rest of my life..
  • complexideas
    complexideas Posts: 8 Member
    krawkula wrote: »
    I don't exactly what you need for encouragement but if you want we can try to keep track of what were doing to lose weight together. Im currently trying the Keto diet and it seems to be helping a lot. I don't know if its all mental or whether or not its a physical reaction but I tend to not feel hungry any more while I have been at this. Im coming on the 3 week mark, and I am sure its half water weight, but I lost 18lbs in 2 weeks.

    Hey krawkula, congrats on your win for the fortnight.. I felt the same at the end of my first week (today) and the scales telling me I am 9 pounds lighter. I am sure there are reasons beyond the fact I chose to have soda and lime drinks and eat Salmond and salad while out with my mates who were slamming beers and burgers this week.. However, it's a win that belongs to me, and I am taking it..

    I think the ability to be honest with people who are on the same journey as me is my big desire.. So when I feel panic at an increase in the scales one day, or feel I am running out of steam, there are people who are likely to understand.. Also to be that support person back for someone means that your focus can lift off the beers you are missing to the the journey you (and others) are choosing..
  • complexideas
    complexideas Posts: 8 Member
    Hi there ...welcome to an awesome site .....I have over 100 pounds to lose AGAIN UGH... I was on this site in 09/2010 loss 78lbs then I let life and tragic things get in my way ...gave up and deleted my account from here..So I came back this month with more determination than ever ..... Please feel free to add me if you would like my support while you are here ...wishing you much success :)

    I lost 70lb 3 years ago for the wrong reasons and when I got rejected put it all back on and 40 more.. This time it is not to get something from someone, but to give to one of the most important people in my life.. Love to walk things out with you..
  • opalsqueak007
    opalsqueak007 Posts: 433 Member
    I have succeeded with this site and I hope you do too. Please friend me if I can help support you. Only thing is, I am not a parent. if you only want parents - I understand :)
  • complexideas
    complexideas Posts: 8 Member
    Adam2k10 wrote: »
    Wishing you complete success on your journey.

    Thanks Adam!
  • complexideas
    complexideas Posts: 8 Member
    Congrats! On your decision your daughter is lucky to have you. My personal recommendation is that we brake the journey into segments(from experience). It's going to be awesome to track the activities that u can do with your daughter :)

    Hey sugarnspice, are you talking weight loss goals or physical things I can't do now but would like to?
  • complexideas
    complexideas Posts: 8 Member
    I have succeeded with this site and I hope you do too. Please friend me if I can help support you. Only thing is, I am not a parent. if you only want parents - I understand :)

    I am just looking for people who have either walked through my journey or are walking it now.. I would love your support and input.
  • Soulfood77
    Soulfood77 Posts: 211 Member
    Good luck!!

    I am on the flipside...I am the daughter who wants to do some fun stuff with my dad but can't because there are weight limits I am above. So no zip lining, no I have over 100 pounds to lose but hopefully on my way!

    2015 is gonna be our year!