Do carb make you fatter, like really or just technically?



  • Jolinia
    Jolinia Posts: 846 Member
    edited February 2015
    JoRocka wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    How and when did this irrational fear of carbohydrates come to's *kitten* annoying and stupid.

    In the 90s, it was a fear of fat.

    *shrugs* If it appears in a so-called fitness mag where being sexy is the point, I know I'm being sold something and generally don't bother to listen.
    protein's on the chopping block next- we all know it's coming.

    Too late. Eat Fast & Live Longer touches on lowering protein when discussing longevity with researchers. Also, researchers studying keto to help prevent or treat cancer are discussing moderating protein as well.
  • Ladyfruit43
    Ladyfruit43 Posts: 31 Member
    I am doing Carb Back Loading!!!! and I love it !!!!

    @Ladyfruit43‌ can you explain what this is, and benefits?

    My understanding is you dont eat carbs till after a heavy intense workout. You can eat all your carbs after and build muscle and lose fat. dURING THE DAY very very low carb, almost nothing. I eat bagels, sweets, pizza, pasta, bread... all in moderation but only after the workout.
    but Please Google it!! or youtube it!

    Good Luck