Well we meet again..... lol

Hi everyone! Kayla here! I have been on mfp before and was very successful at losing 50 pounds. With my husband back in school and two kids to take care of by myself it has been very easy to just grab easy and most of the time unhealthy foods. Some of the weight has crept back up on me. I'm back on here to tighten the reigns and get back in the saddle! I'd love to meet new people and get all the support I can get and I'd love to support you guys on your weight loss journey too! Thanks for reading my babble! Hope everyone has a great day! :smiley:


  • tjcuts339
    tjcuts339 Posts: 188 Member
    Welcome. Back I too was.raising my kids. Eating. Lots of bad food. Now they are grown .And Im back in the gym .Now it is your jouney. Enjoy you will get it done. You have already.done this. Good luck .You know how much better you will feel .Enjoy.