elliptical and kettlebells

natasa612 Posts: 6 Member
edited February 2015 in Fitness and Exercise
Hello everyone :) I am so confused as to why I can not lose the last 10-15 kilos.

Pre pregnancy weight - 67kgs
Few weeks after u had her I was- 87 kgs

I started my weight loss about 6 months ago and I only lost 6 kgs. So I am 81 kgs at the moment.

I have been stuck at this weight for 3 months now. It is so frustrating because I have been eating very good healthy food. Around 1400 calories a day. I eat lean meats/fish, heaps of veggies, max of 2 fruits a day, and all I drink is green tea and water.

I got told by a friend that my problem is that I don't exercise so I got an elliptical and have been going on it every day for 40 minutes. I also do kettle bell exercises.

I guess my question is did anyone see a change in the weight loss after introducing exercise? How long did it take? Etc

Sorry about the long post guys X


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    start weighing and measuring your food. your post wasn't long at all.
  • Victoriamrs
    Victoriamrs Posts: 99 Member
    Like you I just started with changing my diet, lost 4lbs and inches around my stomach, waist and hips. I started introducing exercise a couple of months ago with long brisk walks and some hikes. I have now increased it in the last three weeks with a 5k park run and treadmill running. I have now seen another 4lbs loss but in a shorter amount of time.

    Losing weight is a long distance run not a sprint, stick with it continuing to watch your food intake and do your exercise, you will see the results.

    Wishing you the best of luck. :)