Lose fat

Hey everyone,
so I've recently started running (about 2 weeks ago). I would say I run about 3-4 days a week, for at least 3 miles each day. I have also tried to change my diet, and drink more water, as well as do some crunches and core exercises but I have not seen any changes in my abdominal area. My goal is to tone my stomach and lose some fat around my core area. Does anyone have any tips?


  • lb628
    lb628 Posts: 75
    Hate to say it, but the stomach area is the last place you'll lose fat for the most part. Like for me having a flat stomach entails me being super skinny (but still toned). That's what I'm shooting for. It's all about what you eat and how much. Wish there was a magic exercise but usually stomach fat loss is just from overall weight loss. You'll have to commi!
  • Vorenus85
    Vorenus85 Posts: 112 Member
    Keep it at it (calorie deficit, that is). All I hear around these parts is that belly fat is one of the last places to go. I've lost nearly 70 and still see very little belly reduction.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    You can't spot reduce. You have to eat at a calorie deficit to lose fat and use exercise to strengthen the muscles...but the fat will come off from where it wants when it wants and there's nothing you can do about it. You just have to be patient and keep up with your calorie deficit and exercise. There are no special "fat burning" exercises for the stomach area. Crunches and the like will build your strength and endurance in those muscles but have no effect on fat loss.
  • squiggyflop
    squiggyflop Posts: 148 Member
    You cannot spot reduce fat. Also it took me 20lbs before my belly started showing my efforts. I can now see an indentation down the middle of my upper abs. Thats the first step to the 4 pack I want. Yes 4 pack. I have never been able to get a 6 pack even when I was young and skinny. But I know I am capable of getting 4.

    Anyway, as for tips, try these exercises if you have not already. Pilates hundreds, planks, squats.
  • fatsnacker
    fatsnacker Posts: 209 Member
    fasting appears to take fat off the abdominal area first - try one day a week eating between 500 and 1000 calories and see if it works for you.