Morning workouts



  • tjcuts339
    tjcuts339 Posts: 188 Member
    k5ateacher wrote: »
    I've been working out at 5:00 am for three years. I get my clothes out the night before. I buy new tunes every month or so. It's a struggle to get up some days but I JUST DO IT! I can't wake up without working out now. Just make yourself do it. That's all I can say. The proof is in the pudding. :D [/quoteAre
  • tjcuts339
    tjcuts339 Posts: 188 Member
    Are we still on task!!! To all that are I know you are strong !!

  • Karen_can_do_this
    Karen_can_do_this Posts: 1,150 Member
    Sorry to resurrect an old post but I wanted some tips on the early morning workout. I start work at 6am and it's a full on day. I used to try to get to the gym after work but I'd always have an excuse why not to go.
    So yesterday I set my alarm for 4am. Jumped out of bed. Got dressed in my pre laid out workout clothes. I had packed my gym bag the night before with everything I needed including my work uniform. I prepack my son's daycare bag for my sister to drop him at daycare.
    I left the house at 4.20 and arrived at the gym at 4.30.
    Oh I highly recommend playing some 5 finger death punch or disturbed to get pumped up on the way there.

    10 minute warm up on the dreadmill
    Moving over to the scary powercage thingie. Set up my weights and go for it. The night-time playlist is usually metal so I don't need my music.
    Moving over to the cable weights area to do some lat pull downs and some seated rows.
    Back over to the dumbbells to do some more work.
    Then onto the machines to do the rest of my routine.
    Mad cardio then cool down on the evil rowing machine.

    Off to have a shower and get dressed for work. Note to self - don't forget spare underwear. Putting back on sweaty undies after a shower is definitely not recommended lol.

    Leave the gym at 5.40 and head to work.

    I ate a bowl of porridge (prepackaged and weighed last night) during handover and I'm right and ready for my work day.
  • melissaf0405
    melissaf0405 Posts: 67 Member
    I prefer exercising in the morning at first it was hard but honestly over time I found it gave me the energy I need to get thru the day plus if I do it in the morning I don't have the entire day to talk myself out of it.
  • leutloff1988
    leutloff1988 Posts: 25 Member
    I totally agree! I'm at the gym or outside running by 6:30