Is this a good exercise routine for loosing weight!?

Along with eating clean, this is what I will be doing for the next month. Is this a good plan to start toning my body as well as shed some pounds!? I want a nice bikini body by May!
-EVERY day, in addition to what I have below, I will be doing the Blogilates pilates workouts for the day (based on the calendar on her website).
Cardio is as follows:
Monday: HIIT Treadmill workout! 8mph, 3 incline for 1 min, rest for 30s, repeat 10x
Tuesday: Run at 5-6mph for 30mins.
Wednesday: HIIT Treadmill workout! 8mph, 3 incline for 1 min, rest for 30s, repeat 10x
Thursday: Run at 5-6mph for 30mins.
Friday: HIIT Treadmill workout! 8mph, 3 incline for 1 min, rest for 30s, repeat 10x
Saturday: Run at 5-6mph for 30mins.
Sunday: Run at 5-6mph for 30mins.

When should I start seeing results?! Thanks!


  • Just115Pounds
    Just115Pounds Posts: 81 Member
    Oh, I also should note that in addition to the daily pilates I have two 30 day fitness challenge apps that I am also keeping up with!
  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    Looks like you will be starting to get in decent cardio shape after a month of that. Looking good in a bikini is usually more a result of a low body fat % and strength training, if you are trying to drop some fat you need to add being in a calorie deficit to your cardio and heavy lifting. If you have already dropped the fat then I would think heavy lifting is your ticket.
  • Just115Pounds
    Just115Pounds Posts: 81 Member
    As I do not have a membership to a gym (I'm too young), I only have limited resources. My exercise equipment includes a treadmill, that's it. That is why my focus is more on cardio (and loosing some fat) to look good in a bikini rather than strength training. I am hoping that my HIIT Treadmill workout will increase muscles in my legs without them getting too bulky and my pilates will also do the trick. I can't really lift weights, that's the problem here.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Unless you have already been running for a while, sorry, this is too much. Realistically, unless you already have a beach body, whatever this means, or at very close to it, it will not happen in a few months. And the daily running, without rest days, will just increase your risk of injury, not get you closer to your goal faster.
  • Just115Pounds
    Just115Pounds Posts: 81 Member
    I have been running for a while, not only in soccer but I also did track. Lastly, I have participated in 5ks and end with a pretty good time. But it is very discouraging to hear that.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    What are your stats? Losing weight is about a calorie deficit. You can do whatever exercise you would like, but you have to make sure you're eating the right amount of calories as well.
  • Just115Pounds
    Just115Pounds Posts: 81 Member
    I do have a calorie deficit, a fairly large one as well. I also am cleaning up my eating.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    edited February 2015
    Based on your profile, your stats, you saying you already are doing sports, and your age, I suspect you have a far worse view about your body than reality. Your BMI is normal, you say you are fit enough to run a 5k, you are still in your teens, I suspect your are much closer to what the average person considers a beach body than you think. If you want to build muscle, or improve your running or whatever, great, but do not starve yourself and do not exhaust yourself.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    edited February 2015
    With only seven pounds to lose, you should not be eating at a large deficit. You're already at a healthy weight, so losing vanity pounds can take some time.

    You also just posted looking for teenagers. If you are under the age of 18, you need to visit Sparkteens to connect to people your own age, as you are too young to be on MFP.