Compulsive exercise after binge



  • jess_1993
    jess_1993 Posts: 151 Member
    If I were you I'd try group therapy. That's what I'm doing right now (my problem isn't binge eating, more like being afraid to eat more). So far, it's really helping me because I don't feel so alone and It helps to see that other girls are going through the same thing you're going through. Trust me, you don't wanna be stuck in this yo yo dieting problem. If you wanna talk feel free to friend and message me :) I wish you the best of luck!
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member

    ^^^ BRAVO to the poster above!!!!!^^^ :drinker: VERY well said! (aside from the lack of paragraphs lol..)

    I blame my mobile device. How do you make those smiley faces?
  • lb628
    lb628 Posts: 75
    You seem normal to me. Six thousand calories in 36 hours is along the lines of eating 3k calories per day and your exercising for 1 or 2 hours. That is normal! It is normal to want to exercise after eating, just like children who become hyper after eating candy. Why must we come up with stupid eating disorders for normal behavior? Maybe she should be sitting on her *kitten* after eating 3000 calories and become obese? IB628, your body does not work on a 24 hour cycle. If you under eat one day, you will have the need to binge a few days later to make up for it and it works the other way around too. If you binge two days in a row, you can go the entire third day on vey little calories. It is biologically normal for your body to hold onto fuel for more than one day, the reason people get fat and the reason why athletes can carb up a few days before a marathon. What isn't normal and unhealthy is losing the ability to sense when your body is full and satisfied, which are people who constantly binge day after day with no exercise making them obese.

    I realize this is normal, and I guess there isn't anything WRONG with's just I'm really wanting to work hard to lose this weight, and this type of behavior is not going to be any help in reaching that goal. However, I'm starting to realize that the body is a very smart machine, and doing anything to try and trick it will probably end up backfiring..For example, I think I underate the week before my insane binging, and my body made up for it. The next day after my binge, it would hardly let me eat anything!

    I'm beginning to think maybe I should stop counting calories all together and maybe just listen to my body more. That is really scary though for me because counting calories has become kind of a comfort to me, and seems essential in losing weight.
  • ancutz
    ancutz Posts: 26
    Every time I start counting calories or I decide to go on a diet, I start binge eating. When I do not count calories and just eat healthy without staving myself or having food rules, my mind does not push me into binging. Because I had struggles similar to yours and still trying to overcome them, I am trying to not diet anymore and not counting my calories, just eat whenever I am hungry, 5-6 times per day, listed to my body, eat healthy and DO NOT DIET. Dieting is a word that my brain does not like. I was usually binge eating when I was feeling lonely and since I realized what the trigger was, I avoid being home alone in the evenings and if I am, I try to find things to make me busy like doing my nails, cooking something, going for a walk, listening to music etc. I hope this helps, good luck!!
  • lb628
    lb628 Posts: 75
    Every time I start counting calories or I decide to go on a diet, I start binge eating. When I do not count calories and just eat healthy without staving myself or having food rules, my mind does not push me into binging. Because I had struggles similar to yours and still trying to overcome them, I am trying to not diet anymore and not counting my calories, just eat whenever I am hungry, 5-6 times per day, listed to my body, eat healthy and DO NOT DIET. Dieting is a word that my brain does not like. I was usually binge eating when I was feeling lonely and since I realized what the trigger was, I avoid being home alone in the evenings and if I am, I try to find things to make me busy like doing my nails, cooking something, going for a walk, listening to music etc. I hope this helps, good luck!!

    Wow yeah, I can totally relate! Do you think it's still possible to lose weight this way though? Because I feel like our bodies are just trying to they'll try and keep us stable at where we are. However, our minds want us to lose weight. Seems like there needs to be some kind of bridge between the mind and body, and I guess that bridge could be meticulous calorie counting so our mind can make our body do what we want it to...

    Did that make any sense..?
  • ancutz
    ancutz Posts: 26
    I was wondering the same and I am trying to see it on my own skin now. I am currently doing Insanity and eating healthy. I will probably lose weight but very slow ..this is alot better than losing 5 pounds in 4 days and putting them all back plus more by binge eating.
  • Jchambers1130
    Jchambers1130 Posts: 173 Member
    Sounds like a willpower thing not a psychological thing. Stop stuffing your face. Only you lift food to your mouth.