13 month user, never introduced myself

Hey guys... I've been using MyFitnessPal successfully for 13 months now along with several other apps: RunKeeper/MapMyWalk for tracking my walking, Zombies Run to make walking less boring, and Pact to make a little cash off of entering my meals.

Anyway, so far I've lost 106 pounds and still going. That puts me at 258 now. At this point I'm healthy enough to do a lot of things I couldn't before - I can exercise on our Elliptical trainer, and in a couple days I'm starting martial arts class which I haven't done for a long time.

Loss has been slowing down lately but I'm hopeful that with another year of hard work maybe I can crack the 200 pound barrier by 2016. We'll see... If I don't make it I should at least get close and be able to finish it off in a few extra months.


  • LyssaJ1
    LyssaJ1 Posts: 240 Member
    Congrats on the loss...and hello! I signed up for MFP a few years ago, went away from the site/app for two years (still managed to lose weight at least) and came back to motivate my niece. I can't even remember if I intro'd myself back then. ;)

    I'd been using a walk tracker, but had to upgrade my cell...so now I have MapMyRun/Walk as I'll be starting C25k tomorrow (with some other folks online.)

    As to 'loss slowing'...I've noticed that it's ebbed and flowed for me. Nothing like making me whack my head into a wall, eh? ;) When the 'wall' hits...I just keep on, keeping on, as I know if I keep tracking intakes and exercise, stuff will work itself out.

    Be good to you!