Food diary

Just wondered if any of you good people could take a peek at my food log and give me some feedback .

Thank you in advance


  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    General feedback:

    1) your goal is SUPER low. Are you set at 2lb/week? If so I recommend lowering it to 1.5 or 1lb/week within the next few months.

    2) You are not eating back your exercise calories - you should be. At least half of them, although at your goal you could easily eat them all back.

    3) Meet your goal +/- 50 calories every day. Netting 700-some calories, if this was a full day's log, is not healthy.

    Specific feedback:

    1) are you weighing or measuring your food? your logging is inconsistent in this regard. I'm assuming you are not weighing your food, in which case stop using weighted measurements. If you ARE weighing, t hen stop using volume measurements other than for liquids.

    2) Don't use generic entries. For things like produce and fresh ingredients, look for non-starred entries that are USDA-derived.

    3) The few times you have used recipes, are these from the database? If so, stop using them and enter in your own (private) recipe and create your preferred servings that way.

    4) What is this -- "Generic - 2 Weetabix, 56.25 g "? Weetabix is a cereal, right? This does not look like a proper entry. I couldn't find it in the database, the title just looks weird and iffy.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Modify your goal so that you end up eating around 1200-1300. You will feel more comfortable. Get a food scale so that you can be super accurate.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    There is no reason your goal needs to be this aggressive, lower it and get more calories. Also, weigh everything.