Not New but I failed to introduce myself!

My name is Frank and I'm from Philadelphia better know as Philly - The City of Brotherly Love. I started my weight loss journey around about January 2014 and I've continued to push forward with this and still going strong. I have had some extreme results from MFP helping me to keep track of my daily calorie intake. When I first started this journey, I had my doubts about this working for me only because of my history with diets. But to my surprise, I started shedding weight after the first two weeks and you know what? I wanted more weight loss; it becomes very addictive when you see good results.

What I recommend to someone just starting out. You have to really want change in your life. If done correctly, this will change your life and improve your health overall. So, you have to absolutely want change. You have to have a reason to lose the weight. Mines was because of health issues. Figure out want food that you are eating currently that is causing weight gain. Mines was Dunkin Donuts coffee(the amount of cream/sugar used), KFC 2 to 3 piece Breast, and loads of junk foods. So when you research the amount of calories you're currently eating, it is going to blow your mind. I was eating enough calories in a day for 2 to 3 people. Next you want to find out what your daily calorie intake is. Then go from there, remember you have to cut some calories to lose weight. In a years time, I've cut 1500 calories from my daily intake. I started at 3500 and now I'm down to 2000 daily. I'm noticing that even now, I'm having a hard time eating 2000! But I losing weight feeling awesome and the doctors are very happy!

MFP Rocks!

PS. If you have questions or need support. Just add me!