Jillian Michaels 30DS and Knee Popping?

Is anyone else experiencing any knee problems since starting the 30DS? I just started level 3, and I have one knee that clicks badly now (but no pain). I've been wearing a knee brace during the workouts to give it more support.

Now the strange thing is that I did month 1 of insanity earlier this year, and I had absolutely no knee problems. They've only started with the 30DS, and I definitely do not want to stop the shred now because I have seen FANTASTIC results (and I have a vacation coming up in a month!). I'm also trying to convince myself this is normal bc my other joints seem to click if I do suddent movements (mainly shoulders).

Any advice on avoiding knee injury? Maybe it's because I've been wearing an old pair of sneakers to do my workouts? Thoughts?


  • CaseyBee
    CaseyBee Posts: 163 Member
    Jillian DVDs thrash my knees every.single.time. I don't know what it is. New shoes, old shoes, new yoga mat, old yoga mat, on carpet and off - by midway through W2, my knees are popping and locking like a bad SYTYCD-er.
  • mdearmond
    mdearmond Posts: 76 Member
    Is anyone else experiencing any knee problems since starting the 30DS? I just started level 3, and I have one knee that clicks badly now (but no pain). I've been wearing a knee brace during the workouts to give it more support.

    Now the strange thing is that I did month 1 of insanity earlier this year, and I had absolutely no knee problems. They've only started with the 30DS, and I definitely do not want to stop the shred now because I have seen FANTASTIC results (and I have a vacation coming up in a month!). I'm also trying to convince myself this is normal bc my other joints seem to click if I do suddent movements (mainly shoulders).

    Any advice on avoiding knee injury? Maybe it's because I've been wearing an old pair of sneakers to do my workouts? Thoughts?

    i've not done the 30ds program so I can't quite say if this is the case but I do know that I struggle with some serious issues with my IT bands in both legs and when I run I can tell they're acting up because I'll start to recognize a popping sensation going on. Not saying that is your issue, but maybe just try to look up a couple of IT stretches and do them before your next workout and see if it helps any!
  • BeyondThePixels
    BeyondThePixels Posts: 91 Member
    I've tried 30DS (once in 2010 and again in 2012) and both times my knees started to pop and sometimes lock up (was doing the modified exercises). :(
  • jennifersmiles444
    jennifersmiles444 Posts: 118 Member
    I did the 30 day shred back in March, then did Ripped in 30. I was super excited with the inches I lost, but it can be really hard on the knees. Here's my advice:

    -Buy an extra thick yoga mat, and double it with the one you are using. I used a thin one throughout both programs, and I think that's one of the reasons my knee gave out on the last day of Ripped in 30. Coming in and out of plank pose, I'd put my knees down a lot, or do modified pushups, and it took its toll. Also, I recommend doing 'rock stars' and other high impact moves on the mat, so you aren't landing on a hard surface. After letting my knee recover, I'm back at it, and have had no problems since using a thicker mat. I also use K tape, which really works to support the knees....much better than a knee brace, in my opinion.

    -Make sure your form is correct on squats, lunges, etc. Be mindful that your knee should never be over the toe.

    -If your knees are already popping, don't do 'skiers'. That move is especially bad for the knees. Just do some other cardio move instead.

    I really love Jillian's workouts, and I'm glad I've found some ways to keep doing them without hurting my knees!
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    JIllian's DVD's can be hard on the knees. I also have bad knees from running and high impact aerobics years ago. I double my mat as the last poster suggested and don't do things like walking lunges or just modify it. I can do a "plies" with less stress so I'll do those. I like her but she makes it seem with some DVD's that doing modifications is ok, others, a "beginners" exercise. You might always be "beginner" which is okay. The effort is there. At times I do another exercise for the same body part that I can do well. She always says, it's the effort and time put in...what you do is somewhat for variety.

    She is seeing now how hard she was...was joking in an interview she hates her DVD's, tried to do them and realized how much she talked and how relentless she was. lol She runs and does yoga and martial arts for her exercise. She's embracing a "softer side" after being a Mom...maybe she'll pass that on in her next DVD. : )