


  • thatsillyshana23
    thatsillyshana23 Posts: 106 Member
    Are any of those motivating enough for you? I still suggest baby steps and making goals and a daily routine. Dealing with depression and similar symptoms on your own will be difficult. You just have to work through it, ya dig? Fake it till you make it. Do something that makes you feel alive/attractive/happy/free. I've been there and at one point kept having nervous breakdowns because of the stress. So I hunkered down, made some tough decisions like dropping a class and changing my routines, and somehow I became more confident than I have ever been and anxiety free for over a year! I also did it on my own, but I'm studying for my Master's in counseling, so I knew a few of the tricks and techniques.
  • Dionysos4
    Dionysos4 Posts: 63 Member
    Most of the jobs I want to do when I am older require health checks so I absolutely cannot allow any health care providers or future employers to know about any addictions, depression, alcoholism, lack of motivation, or anything that is bad.
  • Katerina9408
    Katerina9408 Posts: 276 Member
    djmclay4 wrote: »
    This is what I can think of off the top of my head.

    Positives of weight loss:

    1. I might not die early from disease
    2. I may one day be considered attractive
    3. I might spend less money on food
    Please try what I told you (about veganism), try for at least 21 days (this is how much it takes to overcome habbit usually), try to not even buy alcohol or have someone to stop you when you want to buy it or just call someone when you want to do it (friend,family member). Just sit and think why do you do this, what is missing in your life and try to do something about it. I know it is hard but you can make it. Find people that have the same problem and support each other (like support groups), there are a lot of people out there with the same problem.They will give you advice how they are coping with this. And with cigarettes it is not that hard,I have stoped them completly when I become vegan 3 months ago ( I have been smoking since 8 grade) and I haven't even smelled one even tho my boyfriend is smoking.Also when you start to work out hard core you will realise that you can not do them both and you will stop them.Try boxing or kick boxing it will 1) burn cal 2) relieve anger from not smoking.
  • Dionysos4
    Dionysos4 Posts: 63 Member
    I can't go vegan, i love red meat!
  • thatsillyshana23
    thatsillyshana23 Posts: 106 Member
    Well, according to HIPAA, they cannot disclose that info without your consent if you're in the US, maybe they have something similar where you are. In addition, telling a therapist that you had a substance abuse issue will not automatically get you that diagnosis. Talk to a therapist about these fears of it affecting your future career. They should be able to work with you to make sure future employers will not be able to access your personal information. Unless you're thinking of a government job, then they might do their own assessments anyway.
  • vvallentyne
    vvallentyne Posts: 77 Member
    edited February 2015
    I would suggest to you a low carb lifestyle, you don't have to give up meat or any thing delicious and flavorful just get rid of the empty calories without nutrients i.e. bread, pasta, basically anything made with white flour or sugar. Your hunger levels will diminish, I promise. Oh, yeah stay away from the alcohol too that will help your depression lift. At least save it for special occasions like once or twice a month if you can.
  • sahead710
    sahead710 Posts: 74 Member
    I also have fatty liver disease from obesity, and was told by my doctor that I am morbidly obese I know exactly how you feel! I'm 3 months into my journey but haven't lost a significant amount of weight I'm pretty new to my fitness pal, feel free to add me so we can support each other!
  • Dionysos4
    Dionysos4 Posts: 63 Member
    Thanks everyone for your replies. I promise I will try to implement as many of your suggestions as I can.
  • vvallentyne
    vvallentyne Posts: 77 Member
    Herbal tea is a great coping mechanism btw. So is yoga.
  • Katerina9408
    Katerina9408 Posts: 276 Member
    djmclay4 wrote: »
    I can't go vegan, i love red meat!

    I personaly don't eat substitutes but many people have said that tofy and seitane have the same taste as meat.Also I used to love to eat meat before, I ate meat and dairy every day but now milk smells rotten to me even if it is not and I don't have any cravings for meat. But idk I have put this as a goal to myself that I want to be healthy and to make difference in this world.Try to watch some of Peta's vid on facebook or You Tube, you wouldn't touch meat ever again.I thought that you want to be healthy and happy ? At least give it a try you won't lose anything.
  • Katerina9408
    Katerina9408 Posts: 276 Member
    I would suggest to you a low carb lifestyle, you don't have to give up meat or any thing delicious and flavorful just get rid of the empty calories without nutrients i.e. bread, pasta, basically anything made with white flour or sugar. Your hunger levels will diminish, I promise. Oh, yeah stay away from the alcohol too that will help your depression lift. At least save it for special occasions like once or twice a month if you can.

    Being vegan doesn't mean to give up anything "deliciouse" LOL.He can have his treats whenever he wants http://www.peta.org/living/food/accidentally-vegan/ . Do you know how much saturated fat and choleseterol there is in meat and dairy ? How is that helping with obesity ? And not to forget all of that puss,hormones and other nasy stuff in it. Ewww... Dead flesh in my guts?...NO THANKS !
  • Katerina9408
    Katerina9408 Posts: 276 Member
    Which doesn't mean to eat crap all day...
  • Triplestep
    Triplestep Posts: 239 Member
    My suggestion is to try veganism starch (to eat cooked vegan food)/ Rawtill4 (eating raw vegan food till dinnet when you eat cooked) or fully raw...
    Pills will make you only more depressed and you will gain weight belive me, I know.

    Katerina, you are very enthusiastic clearly, but your advice is not universal. A person who cannot motivate to make even small changes needs to take baby steps - not become vegan overnight.

    More importantly - your experience with medication notwithstanding - some people benefit greatly with a prescriptions to correct the chemical imbalances that can cause depression.

    OP, I'm not sure what kind of career you're in that allows prospective employers to see your medical records and know what kinds of meds you may be on, but I would suggest talking to a counselor - not a psychiatrist - to see if perscription meds might help you, or of talk therapy (which would not show on your medical record) might be used alone. If the answer is prescription meds, you need to consider taking care of your body and mind before your career.

    Take care!