Never thought I'd say that 1200 Calories seems like a lot



  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    edited February 2015
    Dnarules wrote: »
    jls6462 wrote: »
    Before supper this evening I ate 2 servings of jalopenos, 2 of peperoncinis, and 1 serving of banana peppers, as a result I felt really full by the time I finished my full meal. Although this is definetly something I won't be able to keep up with, it just worked today because I had Mexican. But, I ate 500 Cal and felt full... I had to push to eat more... Luckily I love good and was happ to do so!

    Also, what does that jail looking pic above mean?

    It means she can't behave properly in the forums.

    no, it means the forum just doesn't appreciate my awesomeness as much as it should.
  • kyta32
    kyta32 Posts: 670 Member
    I find if I can stay to 1200 calories a day of nutritious food, I don't have issues with hunger either. A very helpful surprise.

    There is a mechanism at around 800 calories a day intake that suppresses hunger. It can take a few days to kick in. Increased ketones from reliance on fat for energy can also suppress hunger. Eating more than 1000 calories a day regularly may help you feel hungry again.

    It can be very difficult to meet your macros and micros at less than 1200 calories a day, and some may feel very deprived at this intake, even if they are not hungry. Just because you are not hungry does not mean you are not at risk of missing out on key nutrients. On days where you can't manage to eat up to 1200 calories, try to make every calorie nutrient dense. If you are worried about not getting up to 1200 calories, there are some very calorie dense (but nutritious) foods that can get you there, like nuts and avocados.

    There are some medical conditions that affect appetite. If you are feeling lethargic or out-of sorts or are having any symptoms of malnutrition (slow healing, vulnerability to infections, dry, flaky skin, brittle nails, dry hair), you should really talk to your Dr.

    Btw...MFP does not approve of anyone encouraging unhealthy eating patterns, and it considers eating under 1000 calories a day for a woman to be unhealthy...
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    I am curious how so many of you can feel full eating only 900 calories?

    No way would that work for me.

    to be fair i can.
    I have sometimes that i feel full, but i wont give in to that.
    I want to hit that 1200+ ( depends on my training calories i eat a 1/4 back)

    So i wait an hour and eat an avocado or something else more dense like almonds. But i make sure i hit higher than 900 to 1000.

    I eat a lot of fresh salads and veggies so it is pretty easy to fill up on that. But after dinner i feel i walk the doggie a bit later and get my popcorn and almonds or advocado or dates or figs whatever does the job.
    And normally i plan the day before so i know what i eat when i hit low i change it a bit by replacing the butter for olive oil, or skim milk for normal milk etc. Lots of ways to hit your goals.

    My humble opinion is, i could stuff my face before ( i didn't grew the pounds on by breathing air) so now i can make my calorie goal too.
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    I am curious how so many of you can feel full eating only 900 calories?

    No way would that work for me.

    It's certainly NOTHING that I could stick with for any length of time (nor would I ever want to) but I have on very rare occasion had a day that was 900-1100 cals and I felt full. However those were days where I was super busy, maybe had a 300 cals lunch (I tend to eat a small lunch then have bigger suppers), then was crazy super busy all evening and only had a chance to sit down to eat at 9pm. Feeling hungry so I shovel food in as fast as possible eating a decent sized meal (usually with 'heavy' carbs) of 600-800 cals. I now feel full after eating and also still exhausted (which, when I get to 'that point' of exhaustion I often don't have an appetite especially so late at night), and it's only an hour before bed and I don't get hungry within that hour.
    My usual cal goal is to average 1700 daily.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    edited February 2015
    I am curious how so many of you can feel full eating only 900 calories?

    No way would that work for me.

    oh yeah, only 900 calories is rare for me. maybe on a day that i'm completely sedentary i could see it, but those days are rare for me.

    i can get full on 1200 sometimes though.
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Nothing that a bit of dark chocolate or some good cheese won't fix. As others have said there are plenty of healthy high calorie foods that you can use to get you up to your limit. The odd treat doesn't hurt you either
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    I am curious how so many of you can feel full eating only 900 calories?

    No way would that work for me.

    Some people who claim to eat that few calories (barring people dealing with eating disorders) usually are eating more than they think if they aren't measuring their food on a digital food scale.
  • spoonyspork
    spoonyspork Posts: 238 Member
    Yup. Found it weird when I started, still find it weird 200+ days and 50+ lbs lost later. Really obsessive about weighing and logging what I put in my face (right down to lettuce and spices), even on exercise days find it hard to net more than 1200-1300 (and on non-exercise days have a difficult time totaling 1200 at all. I've learned how of course, but could easily eat less. Just don't want to). Don't deny myself either (other than bread at the beginning, and now too much bread makes me feel too bloaty... so if I tried to eat lots of bread I'd end up with even fewer calories overall XD) so it's even more strange.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    Yeah, we shorties just don't need that much to feel full. I'm fine on around that much too.
  • Just115Pounds
    Just115Pounds Posts: 81 Member
    Good to know, mamapeach910. It didn't help me feel better with a lot of people bashing my calorie intake e.e
  • I am curious how so many of you can feel full eating only 900 calories?

    No way would that work for me.

    you get used to it. i eat less than that and im rarely hungry
  • Dancetherapist
    Dancetherapist Posts: 33 Member
    One day I ate an egg on a piece of whole wheat toast with apple slices and two pieces of bacon and was literally super full for 6 hours. It was so weird. And delicious.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I am curious how so many of you can feel full eating only 900 calories?

    No way would that work for me.

    In many cases, people are actually eating more than they think they are and are just really inaccurate in their logging.

    In other cases, they're actually crashing their diets and *kitten* their hormones up...these hormones control any number of bodily functions including metabolism and hunger cues. This is why anorexics can eat pretty much nothing and rarely complain of being hungry...they're *kitten* their hormones up.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    dunnodunno wrote: »
    I am curious how so many of you can feel full eating only 900 calories?

    No way would that work for me.

    Some people who claim to eat that few calories (barring people dealing with eating disorders) usually are eating more than they think if they aren't measuring their food on a digital food scale.

    Quite frequently people make this claim and then when their diaries are opened, it turns out that they have serious accuracy issues. On the other hand, people who are a little older (50's and up) tend to have slower metabolisms and be less hungry.

    So very true. My appetite took a nosedive when I stopped having monthly shenanigans to deal with.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited February 2015
    well i know for sure i dont eat more than i think, i weigh every solid food and measure every liquid. Of course the calories are always an estimate but i cut it pretty close with my weighing. Also my weight loss rate of 62 pounds under 4 months is prove i dont eat more than i think.

    And no i dont have that i am super full for 6 hours. I eat 3 main meals and 2 to 3 snacks.
    Its just that in my pre-planning sometimes i have too much salads.
    That's my downfall. They are too big and with dinner i eat meat, potato and veggies + salad.
    With lunch i have my soup and bread + salad
    So yes sometimes i feel full But still i eat in my evening snacking my "left" over calories.
    When you are on a low calorie diet ( 1200) i think you have to keep thinking and use your brains. When you eat a lot more calories it isn't needed is my opinion. But when you choose to eat low calorie on a daily base you have to eat as close as you can to those needed calories and more important even the nutrition's that your body need.

    You can't drain your body from its needed energy and nutrition.
    And like i said i didn't became overweight by eating 900 / 1000 calories before, so now i can eat 1200+1/4 of my training calories also.

    It is silly ( and in my mind even childish) to say i am stuffed i cant eat anymore. Some almonds or just by using olive oil instead of skinny butter ups the calories in no time.

    I am also guilty of wrong planning and come out wrong with my learn all the way.
    But i am not blind or shut my eyes for what are good/healthy habits to learn. So when i did it wrong one day it wont happen the next.

    Maybe this is to harsh for some people, but i told myself to grow up and do what is needed to become first of all
    1. fit again ( after a injury)
    2. as healthy as possible and
    3. lose weight.
    And moaning about " i am hungry, i am not hungry" or i cant train, or i have no time are childish excuses to not succeed. I am not that kind of person. I changed my life style ( i dont call this a diet because it is a life commitment) because i have priorities in life. To accomplish it i need to do what is needed. So whining is not included in this journey.
  • obscuremusicreference
    obscuremusicreference Posts: 1,320 Member
    I am curious how so many of you can feel full eating only 900 calories?

    No way would that work for me.

    I did for the first few months of weight loss-I would eat 800-1200. But I'm 5'6", work out, and was exhausted and irritable all the time. But really not that hungry.

    I'm now trying for 1200 + half of exercise calories and I lost 7 pounds last month so I guess it's working.
  • astrose00
    astrose00 Posts: 754 Member
    edited February 2015
    I eat 1200 calories, use them wisely and am rarely hungry. If anything i'm aware of times I might be susceptible to bored eating in the past. You can eat a load of egg whites, oats, shrimp and veggies with 1200 calories. On weekends I like to sleep in (I work out during the week) so b it's hard to eat 1200 calories. I am not losing hair, feeling weak, etc. Have lost about 52lbs in a little over 4 months.

    I do try to reach 1200 everyday, though. I aim for protein and fat goals and carbs are whatever they are. So if I'm behind on my eating I will have some nuts or string cheese and that gets me to where I need to be. I pan fry my meats to also g wet the fats in. And I measure and log everything except spices.
  • jvt63
    jvt63 Posts: 89 Member
    I use the USDA nutrient database and convert the standard 100 grams to ounces (not talking liquids but solid food). For example, 100 grams of raw strawberries turned out to be three large and one small-ish. I even weigh my nuts.

    To get to 1200 calories, I eat fats at every meal--2-3 ounces of avocado a day, along with oil and butter, measured in teaspoons. For carbs, veggies and/or 100 grams of sweet potato for lunch and dinner. I too lost 7 pounds in a month, so I feel like my logging is accurate.

    I have no way of knowing if this is true, but I do feel like the more nutrient-dense foods I eat, the more satisfied I feel. The exception: I must have 75-80 carbs a day to avoid feeling hungry.