how to lose ten pounds per month

Any tips for loosing ten pounds per month?????


  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Depends how big you are to begin with. If you're obese then it would be a lot easier than if you only have 20 or so lbs to lose. Either way it wouldn't be easy
  • lemonlionheart
    lemonlionheart Posts: 580 Member
    Don't. Unless you are extremely overweight or have a medical reason for needing to lose that fast, 2lb/week is the maximum safe amount you should aim for. :)
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    To lose 10 pounds you need a calorie deficit of 35,000 calories (3,500 calories equals 1pound), 35,000 divided by 30 (figuring a 30 day month), is 1,166.66. So to lose 10 pounds in 1 month you need a daily deficit of 1,167 calories. Unless you are severely obese this is not sustainable or healthy.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited February 2015
    Any tips for loosing ten pounds per month?????

    Nope. If anyone gives you any advice on how to do so, ignore them.

    You only have 40 pounds to lose. That's nothing at all. Set you goals to lost 1 lb a week until you have only 25 lbs left to lose, then set your goals to lose a half pound a week. Eat real food, weigh and log everything you eat, measure your liquids, and make sure you eat at a calorie deficit.

    If you exercise, log that too and at back a portion of your exercise calories because readings from MFP and gym machines tend to overestimate calorie burns.

    Remember-slow and easy and moderation. You can do this in a slow and sustainable way! :)

  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    First month, cut off the right leg.
    Second month, cut off the left.

    That's good for a few pounds right?

    Seriously, though - too aggressive for most folks. Cut that in half and you'll have a much better chance at success. 5 pounds a month. Little more than a pound a week. I guarantee you'll be in a happier place if you take it slower.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    First month, cut off the right leg.
    Second month, cut off the left.

    That's good for a few pounds right?

    Seriously, though - too aggressive for most folks. Cut that in half and you'll have a much better chance at success. 5 pounds a month. Little more than a pound a week. I guarantee you'll be in a happier place if you take it slower.

    This is cute. :)
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    To lose 10 pounds you need a calorie deficit of 35,000 calories (3,500 calories equals 1pound), 35,000 divided by 30 (figuring a 30 day month), is 1,166.66. So to lose 10 pounds in 1 month you need a daily deficit of 1,167 calories. Unless you are severely obese this is not sustainable or healthy.

    this. Its not good idea. Come up with a more realistic plan like 2 lbs per month instead.
  • silentKayak
    silentKayak Posts: 658 Member
    There's no point losing that fast if you'll just gain it back. It's better to see slow results and KNOW you can keep it off than to lose fast and then struggle to maintain your loss.
  • beastmode_kitty
    beastmode_kitty Posts: 844 Member
    10lbs in a month is not a healthy nor sustainable amount. Aim for 1-2lbs a week.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    I hope you take the above information into consideration, OP.
  • There are no absolutes in life and this is true here as well. It is absolutely possible to lose ten pounds or more in a month. It's just not easy or simple. Most people throw the following two statements at anyone trying to lose more than 2lbs a week: it's not safe and it's not sustainable.

    Whilst there is a degree of truth to both these statements they are not exactly 100% accurate.

    The reason it might not be safe is that in order to lose more than 2lbs a week, you will need to be hitting a 1000+ calorie deficit every day which for me would be a limit of 1500 a day but I imagine you would be close to 1200. Getting lower than this runs the risk of you not getting enough nutrients, minerals and vitamins and whilst that's no problem in the short term (a few days), will cause problems if you do it on an ongoing basis.

    The way I get round this is activity and lots of it. If you are averaging 500-1000 calories a day in extra activity then you have far more scope to limit the calories eaten and still get the nutrients you need. Many people have been skeptical about this but I don't mean you have to be flogging yourself to death in the gym every day. For example, today I have been in the gym pushing weights for half an hour (not power lifting, just high reps low weight), I jogged 3 miles home from work and on the way into work I got off the bus some stops early and walked for half an hour. MFP tells me that was worth 814 calories total. Other days I might swim or go for a very long walk with the kids. Or do a lot of other Non Exercise Activity; trying to keep to 10k steps a day is good and MFP has a step counter I believe. I'm not exhausted and I have had plenty to eat today. On that subject, most of what I'm eating at the moment is either meat, fish vegetables and eggs with some occasional nuts and some protein shakes when I've done a big work out like 6.5 mile run on Sunday, to aid recovery.

    On the subject of sustainability. The speed at which you lose weight has very little to do whether you keep it off, from a point of view of how your body metabolises various fuel sources. If you crash diet it's highly likely that you are not losing just fat but lean body mass as well (muscle etc). As soon as you start eating half way sensibly the body simply repairs the muscle and other lean mass it may have used. If you do it the way I mentioned above, involving some gym work, high protein and eating right then that factor is taken out. There is the factor that starving yourself causes your metabolic rate to slow (how your body uses fuel to keep you alive). Again, if you're eating right and not skipping food, this shouldn't be an issue.

    The other reason is, that it's no good if you go right back to the eating habits that got you overweight in the first place. But no one denies that. Once I finish my 28 programme I will ease some carbs back into my diet and ease up on the exercise a bit. If I find I am gaining more than a few pounds I go back on a week of maintainance.

    It's definitely easier to change your diet and exercise lifestyle first to what you plan to make it long term and see the weight come off slowly but that doesn't mean it's the only way.

    You will need to so a degree of planning both meal planning, activity planning (which resulted in me buying a small amount of equipment and apps etc) and some discipline but I have been able to do this for 28 day stretches before and lost anywhere between 12 and 20 pounds in that time with no ill effects that I could see. My need for this is that I play a lot of sport and when I got a couple of major injuries (broken leg etc) I have put on quite a bit of weight.

    So in summary, definitely possible to do safely and in a sustainable way BUT it takes 28 days of will power, planning, exercise and activity and discipline.

    Good luck!
  • holly55555
    holly55555 Posts: 306 Member
    First month, cut off the right leg.
    Second month, cut off the left.

    That's good for a few pounds right?

    Seriously, though - too aggressive for most folks. Cut that in half and you'll have a much better chance at success. 5 pounds a month. Little more than a pound a week. I guarantee you'll be in a happier place if you take it slower.

    :# I literally thought "Take off some limbs?" hahahahaha

    There is no reason to lose so much weight is such a hurry. Just change your lifestyle and you'll get to where you want to be!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Just don't eat anything.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Yes, don't do it.
  • kateshia6288
    Thanks guys for the advice. I honestly just want to loose about 30 to 40 pounds by june 2nd which is my birthday
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Thanks guys for the advice. I honestly just want to loose about 30 to 40 pounds by june 2nd which is my birthday

    20lbs is a potentially reasonable goal if you do not care about body composition (i.e. "being toned") or if you are pretty heavy right now.