anyone else work at home?



  • lyonsdesign
    lyonsdesign Posts: 7 Member
    I've been working from home for years and found I eat a lot healthier (most of the time). When I had to go in the office I was always stopping for capucino for breakfast and going to the vending machines or take out for lunch. So while I'm close to the food at home at least I try not to buy the junk while grocery shopping so I don't have them easily available.
  • Dawny722
    I work from home too. I thought the career change would mean more workouts and weight loss, but instead I rarely have time to workout and was munching all day long. So I eliminated all my go to stress snacks from the house like cheese, crackers, and pretzels, and now I make sure to eat a big breakfast. Just adding eggs and sausage to my morning seems to help me avoid snacks until late afternoon. Fruit or a 50 calorie natural applesauce help me hold out until dinner. Then caffeine free hot flavored tea at night to avoid my dessert craving. I'm just getting started and hopefully I can stick with it!
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I have worked from home for a few years. I used to have a pretty rampant snacking problem, but faced it head-on. I made a couple of rules for myself - no eating until lunch and lunch isn't any earlier than 11.30am, and if I felt the urge to snack I'd get up and make myself a cup of tea. Plus, I discovered the amazing structure and support of pre-logging. It took about 3 weeks to really break the snacking habit, and now it doesn't occur to me to snack (kitchen is about 2 yards away from my desk and we all have our own candy bag stashes, so in theory I could pig out all day). It was the toughest habit to break and the first one I confronted.

    I love that I can fit in my workouts when it works for my schedule. I love that I don't have to deal with potlucks, birthdays, freebie food on a regular basis. I go into the office 1x per week and I find it easy to ignore all the food floating around there and I just take my own food with me.
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,078 Member
    edited February 2015
    I work from home and have done on and off for the past 8 years. Personally I find it easier to eat less when working from home because when I was out working in towns or cities (worked and lived in London for a long time) I always had to pass shops selling food or snacks and would often make unhealthy choices because the temptation was there. On the way to work I used to stop and buy pastries for breakfast and I also felt more peer pressure when working in offices because other people would encourage me to eat more, or to snack at break times from the vending machine etc.

    Now I plan my weekly shop based on foods which meet my macros so have a lot of meat, seafood and fish for protein as well as fresh vegetables, fruit and wholegrains. I also have two different types of protein shakes for after workouts and I always take time off in the middle of the day either to cook something which fits my daily calories or to go out for lunch which also gives me a break.

    The other thing I find is that I am able to weigh and measure things more easily and I often save meals I have frequently in the database to save time when I know I want to eat them. I also often pre-log my next day's food or the food for the day first thing in the morning and then I don't have to think about it again.

    My other half also works from home and some days he wants to eat slightly differently to me so I make substitutions to my meals like giving him chips but I will have veg etc. I try not to keep many snacks in the house, except 100 calorie snacks I can have without feeling I've gone over my calories or 'cheated' on my diet.

    Working from home means I can do my workouts when I get breaks very easily too as I am an English teacher so between classes I often have 45 minute or hour long breaks.

    The only downside I'd say is that it makes me very sedentary, although I work upstairs so have to come up and down a lot during the day to walk the dog, make tea or coffee or lunch etc. The fact I don't have a journey to work is a big problem and I don't have to walk in and out of other offices definitely means I move a lot less.
  • chardh
    chardh Posts: 47 Member
    I am in the same boat I have worked from home for 2+ years now and I really fell off the wagon and ate anything at all that I wanted. I was also not in the best relationship, now that has changed and being at home is nice, I can eat healthy meals and log off to work out at least for an hour so as long as I keep the motivation up it seems doable. Now and again I slip up but try to get right back on track. I also find I don't stop for the muffin/coffee etc being at home I gravitate towards a healthy breakfast and only take water to my desk.