Friends with similar goals.

Me. 26yo. Mother of 3. Career oriented. 5'7". 255lbs. Goal is 175lbs. I'm into local music and art, horror movies, and assorted geekery. I joined a long time ago and then took quite a naughty hiatus, and just noticed that almost my entire friend list hasn't logged in in AGES. I need new mfp friends in a similar weight loss boat for support and general chitty chatty business. :)


  • shfoster0721
    shfoster0721 Posts: 239 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me. I grew up in West Virginia. 37 year old teacher and soon to be father. I started out there exhausted and not eating healthy. Now, I am down 130 pounds in just over a year without some crazy diet, pills, or surgery.
  • darkestdreams06
    darkestdreams06 Posts: 40 Member
    Welcome! I'm a 34 year old mother of 2, freelance writer and photographer as well as an essential oil lover! I love music and nature! On my journey to lose about 100 lbs. Feel free to add me!