More people who measure in kg?

Hello! My name is Lisa, i'm from the Netherlands and I like to find people who also measure in kg!!

I'm 24 years old with a 3 month old baby. Started 2 weeks ago and lost 2,6 kilogram since. I eat healthy and excercise 30 min at least a day (also carrying around a baby the whole day will do the trick)!

So are you also sick of calculating everytime to lbs, add me :))


  • poma91
    poma91 Posts: 181 Member
    Hi there!

    I am Mariya and currently I am living in Germany. Normally I measure in kg but on MFP I have the imperial system. Nonetheless I still write what my progress in kg is :) So if you want you can add me! :)

  • rebamay87
    rebamay87 Posts: 103 Member
    I'm Australian so we post in Kgs.. since it does give you the choice. Add me if you want :)
  • AnneU93
    AnneU93 Posts: 114 Member
    I do everything in kilograms and grams. From Denmark
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    Metric man here

    Kilograms FTW ... From South Africa
  • Rhayahana
    Rhayahana Posts: 57 Member
    From the Netherlands here too. I just add everything in kg and grams, feel free to add me!
  • BabyCerise
    BabyCerise Posts: 70 Member
    I'm also a 24 years old girl who measure in Kg (I'm from france). add me if you'd like !
  • maryrosenavoa
    maryrosenavoa Posts: 53 Member
    I from Philippines. I prefer to measure in Kilograms. Feel free to add me guys:)
  • jessicabillman77
    jessicabillman77 Posts: 39 Member
    Im an australian who measures in kgs too :)
  • DanniCB
    DanniCB Posts: 4
    I'm from Australia and so everything is in KG too :) You can go into settings and change it, though it doesn't seem to change it everywhere...feel free to add me too :)
  • Sith_magik
    Sith_magik Posts: 11
    Hi I'm from NZ and use the metric system as well, I'm ok with using both, but prefer metric :)
  • Maaike84
    Maaike84 Posts: 211 Member
    28 yo, ook uit Nederland :) also measuring in kg. Feel free to add!
  • ronatobe
    ronatobe Posts: 6

    From Northern Ireland and measure in kgs also.

  • blakerb29
    blakerb29 Posts: 74
    I weigh myself in kg but convert it to pounds and then enter it in on here :-)
  • Allyice
    Allyice Posts: 122 Member
    I'm from Australia and we're metric kg loggers here :) Feel free to add :)
  • Hi I'm Gaby and I'm from Australia. I measure in Kg's. I have just started again and haven't lost any weight yet. I need encouragement. Add me and share your story. (The photo on the tracker is of my two sisters and me. I am on right)
  • MissSaturday
    MissSaturday Posts: 784 Member
    I am an Italian from UK.. I measure in kgs....
  • LaSuiza
    LaSuiza Posts: 56 Member
    I tried to do it in pounds but I'm simply not smart enough to do it :D kg for me!

    I'm from Switzerland, 24

    Feel free to add me everyone!
  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    Hey Lisa,

    Welcome to MFP and indeed congrats on your baby:). You have produced results and an example of how anyone can do it even with a 3 month old !

    I live in the UK and weigh in kg but my tracker ( just on my profile) I have left in pounds's a psychological thing ( aka like seeing bigger numbers) . We are about on the same weight loss figure, feel free to add me too xx