Why am I not losing ?!

Hi everyone- I am definitely not new to myfitnesspal and like most people, I have had my ups and downs with weight loss and sticking to a healthy routine. I have found myself in a situation where I am not losing weight as consistently as I feel I should be. I have been watching what I have been eating and exercising 2-3 times a week for about a year now and for about the past two months I have bumped my routine up quite a bit. I eat within 1200-1800 calories a day (I am very accurate when it comes to logging calories), I workout 6 days a week alternating days of cardio (running 4 miles) and strength (on strength days I run 1.5-2 miles as well), I allow myself one cheat meal a week and still log all of my info on cheat days. I have been working my as* off and have only lost about 2 pounds in the past 2 1/2 months. It is quite discouraging. I am overweight and my goal weight is 15 pounds away but I feel like at this rate I will never get there.

Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated!



  • notnikkisixx
    notnikkisixx Posts: 375 Member
    My best guess is that you are either over-estimating your workout burns, or you are underestimating your calories.

    How are you measuring your food, do you have a food scale?
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    open your diary So people can give you any advice
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    ktowne00 wrote: »
    Hi everyone- I am definitely not new to myfitnesspal and like most people, I have had my ups and downs with weight loss and sticking to a healthy routine. I have found myself in a situation where I am not losing weight as consistently as I feel I should be. I have been watching what I have been eating and exercising 2-3 times a week for about a year now and for about the past two months I have bumped my routine up quite a bit. I eat within 1200-1800 calories a day (I am very accurate when it comes to logging calories), I workout 6 days a week alternating days of cardio (running 4 miles) and strength (on strength days I run 1.5-2 miles as well), I allow myself one cheat meal a week and still log all of my info on cheat days. I have been working my as* off and have only lost about 2 pounds in the past 2 1/2 months. It is quite discouraging. I am overweight and my goal weight is 15 pounds away but I feel like at this rate I will never get there.

    Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated!


    No you don't, and no you aren't ... or we wouldn't be having this conversation, right?
  • miketoryan
    miketoryan Posts: 41 Member
    My best guess is that you are either over-estimating your workout burns, or you are underestimating your calories.

    How are you measuring your food, do you have a food scale?

    try to reverse it and see if that helps. add calories in and subtract calories out (so if the treadmill states you burned 500 calories, record 350. if you think you ate a tablespoon of butter actually put 1.5 tablespoons, etc)
  • TheresaYoung32
    TheresaYoung32 Posts: 6 Member
    We need to look into exactly what kind of strength training your doing. Also your macro nutrients. Percentage of carbs fats and protien. You may be over doing cardio on days you lift and going catabolic after weights. Try adjusting your macros, lift heavier and lessen cardio after weights.
  • How long has it been since you switched up your workout routine? I recommend switching it up every 1-2 months.
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    When you are that close to goal, any inaccuracy in logging food or exercise can erase your deficit. I would first log fewer exercise calories. They are just estimates, anyway, and can be off. Plus, if you are not accounting for the calories that are already counted from your BMR, then you will automatically be off. (For instance, I normally burn about 50 cals an hour just sitting. So if I exercise an hour, I should subtract 50--at least--from my exercise burn to be more accurate.)

    In the food--think of it this way: if you log ten items and are 10 cals off each, you are already 100 off.
  • TheresaYoung32
    TheresaYoung32 Posts: 6 Member
    Come to think of it you REALLY need to look into your macros. And definitely do less cardio on strength days. Focus on gaining muscle then see where your at. Hope it helps it's all scientific you have to change it up. Read as much as you can.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    You say you are very accurate with your logging… So open your diary please.

    Also, do you weigh your food using a food scale?
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    miketoryan wrote: »
    My best guess is that you are either over-estimating your workout burns, or you are underestimating your calories.

    How are you measuring your food, do you have a food scale?

    try to reverse it and see if that helps. add calories in and subtract calories out (so if the treadmill states you burned 500 calories, record 350. if you think you ate a tablespoon of butter actually put 1.5 tablespoons, etc)

    What would that do?
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Agree, it's all in the logging.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Eating more and burning less than you think is normally the answer as they have already told you. Within 1200-1800 calories plus mention of cheat meals and no open diary doesnt sound accurate.