Office work and munchies



  • Brandolin11
    Brandolin11 Posts: 492 Member
    I eat at 0730, 0930, 1130, 1430, and 1830 and try to have carbs and protein at every time.

    Was just about this reco this as well. I sit an an office M-F from 8:30-5:30pm. I do not go out of the office for breaks or lunch. So I cannot emphasize how this revolutionized my life! It took a little trial-and-error to figure out which times were best for me to eat but I played around with it until I found the perfect schedule that keeps me satiated all day long.

    Think about when you start getting the munchies - i.e., about two hours after breakfast, for example? If so, perhaps consider breaking breakfast up into two meals. If you start getting peckish after lunch, same thing - maybe eat part of your lunch at noon then the rest later...

    This is what I typically do:

    8:30am Greek yogurt/fruit/spinach smoothie or some kind of veggie-packed egg white casserole

    10:30-11am Some kind of hearty but low-cal soup like Trader Joe's organic split pea soup, with 2 oz cubed ham and spinach wilted into it. Might top with croutons.

    Until lunch, I nibble on blueberries, strawberries, or raspberries, might have a few whole grain crackers or a teeny nibble of nut butter.

    1:30pm 450 calorie lunch which includes a meat, starch, and generous vegetable

    I'm usually full until my next snack

    4:30-5pm apple or pear

    6:30-7pm 450 calorie dinner which again should have meat, starch and generous veggie

    8:30-9pm very small snack which might be crackers with butter or small cheese, or a light yogurt, something of that nature.

    This is what *I* do and may not be for you, but wanted to give you an example of how I order my day.

    I also chug a 16 oz glass of water immediately upon waking, and keep a pitcher of 32-40 oz of water at my desk with a pretty glass and work on finishing that each day. Lots of water genuinely helps.
  • Brandolin11
    Brandolin11 Posts: 492 Member
    Also, be careful what you're "munching and munching" on. Simple carb-oriented snacks will fuel cravings and never satiate you. Foods high in protein, fat, and/or fiber are your best friends. Get rid of the "low fat" crackers, etc. and go for higher quality snacks and fruit!
  • JessaLee0324
    JessaLee0324 Posts: 118 Member
    I try to get up once an hour and take a little walk around the building. I have a problem with wanting to eat everything I've packed by I struggle with that. I go to the gym on my lunch break and try to drink a lot of water, coffee, and diet soda to keep me occupied.