Hello from the seaside, UK!

Hello! I'm new here (why else would I be posting in this thread, haha!)

My name is Gerry-Leanne, I'm 22 years old and live by the seaside in the UK.
I've always been very active in my job (I'm a performer), pretty much cardio all damn day long, so I've never been too out of shape or unhappy with my body. But recently I seem to have caught the health bug and I really want to work on looking after myself and my body to make it the best it can be! I really want to tone up and get everything on point, my specific goals are to get myself a killer booty and abs (every girls' goals lately, I know), but what can say, too much browsing on Pinterest has given me high expectations! I'm not just in this to try and look good in a bikini in summer though, I really want to learn a lot more about fitness, diet and nutrition etc.
I am a complete beginner at the minute though, and i'm really serious about getting into this, so any advice and/or help would be great! I've been browsing away through these forums the last week or so trying to pick up bits here and there, but would like to get involved now so thought I should introduce myself!

So... Hello! :) xo