Skinny Male Bulk Plan



  • Glitch267
    So I've gained 3.5 pound in 3 weeks. Good rate or two fast?
  • beastcompany
    beastcompany Posts: 230 Member
    edited February 2015
    nadr0j wrote: »
    My advice, vis-a-vis your specific situation: sign up at (free), and look through Jim Stoppani, PhD's 12-Week Shortcut To Size. Also read his nutrition advice. I used to be in your shoes, though maybe not quite as skinny, and was a very hard gain my whole life (I'm 33). Stoppani's program maps everything out, and was the best thing I found to packing on very solid muscle, consistently. The first time I did that, I think I added about 8-10 lbs of muscle. As for cardio, just get it in things you enjoy doing. If you like playing basketball, go do that. Etc. I really would not worry much about forcing yourself to ride a stationary bike or jog for 30 minutes.

    My advice is ignore this advice.

    It's sad that this guy has PhD, because it makes people believe his advice is credible, when really it's completely idiotic.

    Also, this member did not add 8-10lbs of muscle in 12-weeks, as the body is not naturally capable of that, even for the newbiest of trainees.

    Unless of course he was running AAS supplementation to assist him, in which case, an 8-10lb gain in 12 weeks is really disappointing.

    Either way, his advice is terrible and should be disregarded.

  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    Glitch267 wrote: »
    So I've gained 3.5 pound in 3 weeks. Good rate or two fast?

    On paper it looks like a good rate but how does it look to you? If you are working out hard and you don't notice much added to your waist then I'm going to say that where you want to be.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Glitch267 wrote: »
    So I've gained 3.5 pound in 3 weeks. Good rate or two fast?

    are you shooting for one pound per week or .5 per week gain?
  • beastcompany
    beastcompany Posts: 230 Member
    Glitch267 wrote: »
    So I've gained 3.5 pound in 3 weeks. Good rate or two fast?

    Honestly, I don't believe in 'optimal' rate of gain standardized for every individual. As much as a lot of the top names preach it...I also feel like anecdotal evidence plays a key role in this decision.

    Personally, my first bulk I developed at right around 4lbs/month steadily for 10 months and remained lean throughout the entire duration.

    However, according to "research" I progressed too quickly and should have gotten fat...yet I didn't.

    Have a target in mind (such as .5-1lb/week), but the final decision should be based on how you feel and what you're seeing in the mirror. If you feel good, are getting stronger, and are happy with the progress you see in the mirror than keep going.

    If you feel like you're developing too quickly/putting on too much fat then go ahead and drop calories some to slow rate of gain.
  • Glitch267
    Glitch267 wrote: »
    So I've gained 3.5 pound in 3 weeks. Good rate or two fast?

    On paper it looks like a good rate but how does it look to you? If you are working out hard and you don't notice much added to your waist then I'm going to say that where you want to be.
    I feel bigger but it might also just be the placebo effect since I know I gained haha. I do think it's been mostly muscle though. My lifts have progressed but not much since I'm trying to work on form first.
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Glitch267 wrote: »
    So I've gained 3.5 pound in 3 weeks. Good rate or two fast?

    are you shooting for one pound per week or .5 per week gain?
    I'm going for .5-2 lbs week. I'm so skinny and need the weight. Also don't want to miss out on beginner gains
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Glitch267 wrote: »
    Glitch267 wrote: »
    So I've gained 3.5 pound in 3 weeks. Good rate or two fast?

    On paper it looks like a good rate but how does it look to you? If you are working out hard and you don't notice much added to your waist then I'm going to say that where you want to be.
    I feel bigger but it might also just be the placebo effect since I know I gained haha. I do think it's been mostly muscle though. My lifts have progressed but not much since I'm trying to work on form first.
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Glitch267 wrote: »
    So I've gained 3.5 pound in 3 weeks. Good rate or two fast?

    are you shooting for one pound per week or .5 per week gain?
    I'm going for .5-2 lbs week. I'm so skinny and need the weight. Also don't want to miss out on beginner gains

    two pounds sounds a little too aggressive…right now you are at about 1.25 a week gain ..I would stay there and see how it goes….as the increase in calories catches up to you you may feel like you are putting on too much fat …I think you are good where you are right now...
  • Glitch267
    I will post an updated weight tomorrow. I am up about 4 pounds after 4 weeks. Lifts have gone up good.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    Glitch267 wrote: »
    I will post an updated weight tomorrow. I am up about 4 pounds after 4 weeks. Lifts have gone up good.

    Good job and keep up the good work!
  • Glitch267
    Glitch267 Posts: 32

    Weight is now around 109 lbs. I have been eating what I thought was 800 surplus but gaining slower than expected. My lifts have gone up good.
    To make weight for an event I have 3 weeks to gain 6-9 pounds (need to be 115-118 for my weight range for the competition). To gain this, I'm going to add another 500 to 800 calories a day on top of my already surplus. This will get me to around a 1500 daily surplus which should help gain 3 pounds a week each week for the next 3 weeks. Remember, I'm tall and very skinny so nine pounds won't make me look fat.