Having some trouble

misskelly318 Posts: 2
edited February 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hi! I am hoping to get some advice or maybe someone else has had the same problem as I do. I am almost through month 1 of Insanity and I have lost four inches combined, but no weight. I weighed in on Saturday morning and was 166 pounds. I got on the on Sunday (my monthly cycle had started) and I was almost five pounds heavier??? I was under my calorie goal on Saturday, had 70 ounces of water and worked out for 45 minutes. I am so sad because I cannot seem to get ahead in the weight loss game. Has anyone else had this problem?


  • lee658
    lee658 Posts: 74 Member
    what's your workout regime? Are you using weights and eating lots of protein? Your seeing changes physically. Everyones body works a little different. Are firmer in areas. May your building muscle which is denser than fat? I'm no expert there maybe others with more experience to give you further advise. Good luck.