50% of my calories come from protein

I changed my goals to basically have my diet consist of 50% protein, 30% carbs and 20% fat. It's not easy but seems to be working quite well for maintaining muscle and avoiding hunger. Anyone else try something similar and how do you stay creative with your meals?


  • I like to switch up the seasoning. You can only eat chicken and broccoli so many times before it gets mundane. But a little lemon juice one day, or some curry the next really helps. :)
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    I'm not eating 275g of protein. eating enough cals, lifting properly, and getting in enough carbs is enough to help maintain LBM while eating a more reasonable bodyweight-based protein gram intake. I.e. around 1g/lb LBM.
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, egg whites, protein powder. I don't follow a "clean" diet bc it makes no sense. But, if you google "protein dessert clean" or something like that you'll find some cool recipes. (Protein pancakes , etc ). I like to shred London broil, put it on some steamed broccoli. Chop up a few pickles and drizzle ketchup and lots of mustard! Tastes and smells just like a hamburger! It's all about the seasoning and low calorie condiments!
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    FYI, I shoot for 40/40/20 whenever I am trying to lose. Only way I can stay full at a deficit
  • Thank you guys, info is much appreciated
  • astrose00
    astrose00 Posts: 754 Member
    I eat high protein. I aim for 40/30/30 (protein/fat/carbs). I don't care if carbs are a little low but never let my protein go lower than 40%. I like to keep fat at 30%; I just feel better when I do that. I think carbs aren't worth the calories while I'm on limited calorie intake. I'd rather have an ounce of peanuts than a half cup of rice or pasta. Or I'd rather sauteed or pan fry my chicken or fish in a little oil than eat more carbs. It just satisfies me and I don't feel like I'm eating diet food.

    I alternate between chicken, fish, very lean pork, shellfish, turkey breast, etc. so I don't get bored. And I love tofu and greek yogurt. I love chinese spices and chili saucse (low cal variety) and they really add a lot of flavor and spice. I also try to cook with fresh veggies and herbs. It's amazing what adding scallion or green onion will do to any meat. I also use jalapeno, garlic, rosemary, thyme (all from fresh) and it livens up any meat or protein source. You can also try making a brothy soup and even add beans and lean meats. I love to cook and think up new ideas and I've found some recipes I will use even when in maintenance. Sometimes the dishes are so good I have a hard time believing they are helping me lose weight! I also like eggs and egg whites a lot. I might make a fried eggs (still runny, of course!) and add some sauteed mushrooms, scallions, red onions and canadian bacon on top. I use low calorie bread so I can even have toast. Such a meal would only be about 350 to 400 calories. Even lower I use egg whites. I may also add a half slice of cheese to each egg.