Fat...to fit...then a little bit fatter...

gettinleanin2015 Posts: 10 Member
edited February 2015 in Introduce Yourself
'ello lovely folks.

It's sobering to think it's been nearly three years since I made an initial introduction post on these forums. Not only because that three years has flown by, but because I was a lean, mean machine three years ago. Now...? Not so much.

The basics? Have a list, it makes me feel organised:
  • Natalie
  • 30 years old
  • Cardiffian living in England
  • PCOS sufferer
  • Used to weigh 16 stone (224lb) back in the day, lost six stone to get down to 10 stone (140lb) between 2010 and 2012
  • Life changed when I moved in with a lovely man in 2013, changed jobs, and realised that training two hours a day, seven days a week wasn't feasible any more
  • A love of real ale, my sofa, and turning 30 formed a perfect storm which meant my weight crept up
  • I'm now two stone (28lb) heavier than my lightest, and while I'm still very fit, I have been in much better shape
  • My glorious size 10 jeans that made my bum look amazing are mocking me from the attic

Not gonna lie, looking at my old posts on here saddens me. There's one post where I say that 11 stone (154lb) was a weight I used as a yardstick to put down the fork. Now? I'd be blimmin' delighted to be that weight again! Working on it.

Incidentally, my username used to be mogletdeluxe. I was so young and militant about my fitness back then that it felt disingenuous to reactivate that profile.

So. Back to logging. Training five days a week and fitting it around my new life. Because, frankly, I miss my old shoulders.

Feel free to say hello, friends new and old :)

Picture below shows a bit of a timeline - left picture was 2010 at 16 stone, top right 2012 at 10 stone, bottom right 2014 at 12 stone (168lb). So while some may scoff at the not-entirely-massive difference in the two more recent ones, I can feel it. And so can my bras/jeans/chins.
