Looking for positive motivation!

Hey everyone! I don't know about yall but I get tired of seeing all of the negativity that comes with getting back in shape or losing weight, it's hard and some days it totally sucks we all get it! I am looking for MFP "friends" that have positive attitudes to help keep me motivated and to return the motivation. We all need pats on the back far more then omg I can't do this!

2015 is my year! And I am determined to stay positive no matter how much I want to complain or beat myself up. Self bullying needs to end


  • mhausler93
    mhausler93 Posts: 83 Member
    I'm in! I 100% agree with you! This is a process in which we should feel good about what we're doing. Not tear ourselves (and others) down.
  • superstarrr123
    superstarrr123 Posts: 15 Member
    Add me!! I like your attitude, I'm trying to make big changes too and I really believe that it starts with a good mind set!
  • 24young
    24young Posts: 9 Member
    I agree, we should all be helpful and positive with one another. Everyone on MFP has the goal of doing something better for themselves. Add me, let's work together to achieve our own individual goals.
  • MrsTheresaK
    MrsTheresaK Posts: 12 Member
    I'm in, sometimes we all need a little pick me up from a friend that is going thru the same struggles. You can add me.
  • Add me too I completely agree!