Bagels in the office



  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    price0909 wrote: »
    price0909 wrote: »
    If you put my on an Island and asked what I would take with me .. it would be bagels.. My well intentioned co-worker brings bagels every day!!!

    Ive asked him not to. I have no self control when it comes to them...

    Cookies, cakes etc not for me, I dont care for them or touch them.

    Needing some support to stay away! Ive tore off a piece of one already :O(

    Why should your co-worker have to stop bringing bagels because you are trying to lose weight?

    If you want one fit it into your day, if you don't want one don't eat it, stop blaming other people

    He purposely comes to me and says I bought you a bagel! I tell him not to buy extra but he keeps doing it. He complains about his weight so I have a right to tell him not to buy them for me.

    you have absolutely no right in those regards.

    you say "thank you" when he offers, and then either eat it, or don't.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    joe575757 wrote: »
    Have you ever thought to yourself, (wo)man, I wish I ate a bagel on October 7th, 2009! It's really too bad I didn't?

    My point is that the bagel doesn't matter to you in the long run. The happiness the bagel will bring you will last maybe 30 seconds, less if you eat like me. Turning it down might give you a couple of minutes of being upset about not getting what you want, but at the end of the day you won't even care. You probably wouldn't remember eating it or being upset about not eating it if you didn't log the food. I try to remember this when I'm tempted to break my dietary plan, it seems to help.

    Of course, your mileage may very.

    This is a good, logical way to look at it. I agree. If you remove any emotion attached to food, whether your own or someone else's it makes it much easier to make the right choice at the time.

    In this case, though, for the OP what is more concerning is not the bagel itself, but that they've repeatedly asked the co-worker not to bring them a bagel yet they still continue to. That would just plain be annoying.
  • slucki01
    slucki01 Posts: 284 Member
    price0909 wrote: »
    price0909 wrote: »
    If you put my on an Island and asked what I would take with me .. it would be bagels.. My well intentioned co-worker brings bagels every day!!!

    Ive asked him not to. I have no self control when it comes to them...

    Cookies, cakes etc not for me, I dont care for them or touch them.

    Needing some support to stay away! Ive tore off a piece of one already :O(

    Why should your co-worker have to stop bringing bagels because you are trying to lose weight?

    If you want one fit it into your day, if you don't want one don't eat it, stop blaming other people

    He purposely comes to me and says I bought you a bagel! I tell him not to buy extra but he keeps doing it. He complains about his weight so I have a right to tell him not to buy them for me.

    You respond with, "No thank you" and move on.

    Exactly! It's not easy but after you've ignored the bagels a few times he'll stop pushing them.
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    edited February 2015
    say no thank you I would prefer you stop offering me bagels when I have made it clear I don't want any or no thank you I would prefer X next time.

    you are in control of what you eat. if he continues to bring bagels, either make them fit your macro and enjoy them or don't have any.

    I have a whole box full of misc chocolates on my desk (receptionist) but I choose not to eat any because I would rather have an apple. BUT if I wanted to have some, I would make it work for that particular day. I'm not going to blame the delivery guy for putting the box there every month.

    plan ahead, stick with the plan, enjoy your day.
  • cindybowcut
    cindybowcut Posts: 250 Member
    I too work in an office that also seems to always have goodies. I have learned to walk away from all the goodies, it's not always easy. Yesterday there were cookies, I didn't even hesitate, I just walked away from them. Make sure that you have healthy snacks for you to enjoy. I told myself that if I didn't bring it to work with me, I can't have it. There are special occasions that I do allow myself to indulge just a little. But I try to pack my lunch and all my snacks so that I don't get hungry and over eat.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    price0909 wrote: »
    price0909 wrote: »
    If you put my on an Island and asked what I would take with me .. it would be bagels.. My well intentioned co-worker brings bagels every day!!!

    Ive asked him not to. I have no self control when it comes to them...

    Cookies, cakes etc not for me, I dont care for them or touch them.

    Needing some support to stay away! Ive tore off a piece of one already :O(

    Why should your co-worker have to stop bringing bagels because you are trying to lose weight?

    If you want one fit it into your day, if you don't want one don't eat it, stop blaming other people

    He purposely comes to me and says I bought you a bagel! I tell him not to buy extra but he keeps doing it. He complains about his weight so I have a right to tell him not to buy them for me.

    you have absolutely no right in those regards.

    you say "thank you" when he offers, and then either eat it, or don't.

    I wasn't sure what his weight had to do with her inability to put on her big girl undies and say no thanks... :huh:
  • Vcorz
    Vcorz Posts: 75 Member
    This is a battle worth fighting.....peer pressure eating has made my whole office gain weight, to a noticeable extent, even the people who were previously quite slim!
  • corinic91
    corinic91 Posts: 148 Member
    joe575757 wrote: »
    Have you ever thought to yourself, (wo)man, I wish I ate a bagel on October 7th, 2009! It's really too bad I didn't?

    My point is that the bagel doesn't matter to you in the long run. The happiness the bagel will bring you will last maybe 30 seconds, less if you eat like me. Turning it down might give you a couple of minutes of being upset about not getting what you want, but at the end of the day you won't even care. You probably wouldn't remember eating it or being upset about not eating it if you didn't log the food. I try to remember this when I'm tempted to break my dietary plan, it seems to help.

    Of course, your mileage may very.

    love. this.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited February 2015
    I can pretty easily fit a bagel into my day if that's what I really want...not seeing the problem.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    joe575757 wrote: »
    Have you ever thought to yourself, (wo)man, I wish I ate a bagel on October 7th, 2009! It's really too bad I didn't?

    My point is that the bagel doesn't matter to you in the long run. The happiness the bagel will bring you will last maybe 30 seconds, less if you eat like me. Turning it down might give you a couple of minutes of being upset about not getting what you want, but at the end of the day you won't even care. You probably wouldn't remember eating it or being upset about not eating it if you didn't log the food. I try to remember this when I'm tempted to break my dietary plan, it seems to help.

    Of course, your mileage may very.

    This is a good, logical way to look at it. I agree. If you remove any emotion attached to food, whether your own or someone else's it makes it much easier to make the right choice at the time.

    In this case, though, for the OP what is more concerning is not the bagel itself, but that they've repeatedly asked the co-worker not to bring them a bagel yet they still continue to. That would just plain be annoying.

    My question on the repeatedly asking to stop would be, did she just start trying to lose? Has she said Thanks for thinking of me but please don't bring me a bagel anymore?

    Now if she's been very clear that she doesn't want one, which since she took the bagel sounds like she wasn't, I would agree it would be annoying.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Literally tell him, "I don't want you to bring me these" and keep putting on his desk or throw it away until he understands. He has trouble and "misery loves company". Don't be his "company".

    Someone brought in brownies the other day. I couldn't resist. Finally, there were two left, and someone asked if I wanted them or wanted to take them home. I said, "Please throw them away or take them with you." And she did....take them with her.
  • BZAH10 wrote: »
    In this case, though, for the OP what is more concerning is not the bagel itself, but that they've repeatedly asked the co-worker not to bring them a bagel yet they still continue to. That would just plain be annoying.

    It is annoying, and I think you could argue that it's an unconscious attempt to sabotage OP's diet. Maybe even a conscious one. I don't think there is much OP can do about it though.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    joe575757 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    In this case, though, for the OP what is more concerning is not the bagel itself, but that they've repeatedly asked the co-worker not to bring them a bagel yet they still continue to. That would just plain be annoying.

    It is annoying, and I think you could argue that it's an unconscious attempt to sabotage OP's diet. Maybe even a conscious one. I don't think there is much OP can do about it though.

    Sabotage really??? Is he forcing her to eat them? The OP can speak up and say no thank you.

    Wow so many helpless people around
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    while I agree with all of the "tough love" above, I will just put out there to pick up some Jimmie Dean breakfast sandwiches, (they go from 210-300 calories) go heat one up in the microwave and eat that instead. And that includes some protein to fill you up!
    You're welcome
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    price0909 wrote: »
    price0909 wrote: »
    If you put my on an Island and asked what I would take with me .. it would be bagels.. My well intentioned co-worker brings bagels every day!!!

    Ive asked him not to. I have no self control when it comes to them...

    Cookies, cakes etc not for me, I dont care for them or touch them.

    Needing some support to stay away! Ive tore off a piece of one already :O(

    Why should your co-worker have to stop bringing bagels because you are trying to lose weight?

    If you want one fit it into your day, if you don't want one don't eat it, stop blaming other people

    He purposely comes to me and says I bought you a bagel! I tell him not to buy extra but he keeps doing it. He complains about his weight so I have a right to tell him not to buy them for me.

    You have a right to ask him not to buy bagels for you no matter what. And he has a right to buy them anyway. Next time, tell him you're not that cheap and if he wants you to buy you something, a diamond will do just fine thank you.

    My next door cube neighbor has the walls loaded with candy. AND she brings in homemade candy all the time. AND every other kind of food and treat. It took some practice and some "hey I'm not naturally skinny like you" type of deferrals but now I find it easy to say no most of the time so I can say yes when it's chocolate-covered strawberries.

  • Sabotage really??? Is he forcing her to eat them? The OP can speak up and say no thank you.

    Wow so many helpless people around

    Someone's upset!

    The person is going out of their way to disrespect OP's stated wishes.
  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    Well, I think I didn't read that clearly. I thought they were just laying around in the office, not being brought specifically to you.

    Totally just smile and say, "How sweet of you, but no thank you."

    If he acts butthurt about it, you'll know there is an ulterior motive and can cry at him.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    joe575757 wrote: »
    Sabotage really??? Is he forcing her to eat them? The OP can speak up and say no thank you.

    Wow so many helpless people around

    Someone's upset!

    The person is going out of their way to disrespect OP's stated wishes.

    Nope not upset, just can't believe how quick some people can be to play the victim card
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    This article is going around MFP today and seems to be appropriate here:
    Article contains cursing. So, don't read it then flag me for abuse.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    This article is going around MFP today and seems to be appropriate here:
    Article contains cursing. So, don't read it then flag me for abuse.

    Very appropriate :)