Craving sweets... Tips?



  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    raw almonds
    coffee or decaf with your favorite sweetener and a little coconut oil
    mini m&m's
    caramel rice cake 45 cals
    square of dark chocolate ghirardelli
    sweet tip
    skinny latte 100 cals
    dream clusters from skinny cow 120 cals
    slim fast snack bars 100 cals
    apricot smuckers simply fruit
  • yinkyo
    yinkyo Posts: 78 Member
    someone mentioned tea earlier, and I do have to say, if you like tea, there are some that are chocolate rooibos, that taste almost exactly like hot cocoa, but with the added benefits of antioxidants, and also allergy fighting powers (go red teas!), plus it gets the chocolate taste from real chocolate, so you won't feel cheated, but it won't have as much sugar in it ^_^
  • alliemarie77
    alliemarie77 Posts: 378 Member
    This is what I do when I need to feed that craving....

    I buy a normal size bag of PLAIN M&M's. I take 5 out of the bag. I give the rest of the bag to a kid, and have my 5!
    Then I brush my teeth, and have tons of water. Craving filled! (-:
  • UrnAsh
    UrnAsh Posts: 207 Member
    Dark chocolate
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    captain crunch cereal works for me.......
  • Loasaur
    Loasaur Posts: 125
    Probably my favourite food in this entire world would be chocolate. I love it. Just plain old chocolate. It has been my best friend and my worst enemy and nothing fixes my chocolate craving except...well...chocolate. I've been eating completely organic chocolate bars. They're 220 calories for ten squares. So...I only eat 1 or 2 squares a day. The squares are roughly 1/2 inch by 1/2 inch and by only eating 1 or 2 a day that's only 22 or 44 calories added on a day. I know it's not the BEST thing I could be replacing my regular chocolate with, but it's the only thing I've found that works and the added extra calories aren't really THAT bad as long as you can contain yourself and only eat 1 or 2 squares!
  • gracetillman
    gracetillman Posts: 190 Member
    If I want chocolate -- I am not going to be satisfied with anything less than chocolate. I just take a smaller portion and try to mix it with something a little healthier -- usually fruit.

    1/2 serving of Nutella on Banana slices

    Mini chocolate Chips mixed in with my yogurt

    Mini chocolate chips and berries
  • poohpoohpeapod
    poohpoohpeapod Posts: 776 Member
    A few squares of quality chocolate are beneficial.
  • ArikaMoore
    I used to have cravings for sweets but I learned that it's your body telling you that you are actually lacking something else. Try drinking 8 to 12 ounces of water then waiting for 5 or so minutes. If you are still craving you could be lacking in protein. I usually eat 40 to 50 grams of protein a day and since I started doing that I don't crave the sweets really. Of course I have times that I feel like I need that brownie in the freezer because my husband or kids are driving me crazy, but I am happy to say (so far) I have not caved and scarfed it up. I have pretty much always tried to savor my treats; eat them slower and it feels like you have had more. The flavor is why we eat the sweets so savor the flavor. Same amount of calories if you eat it in a few seconds or take a couple minutes to eat! Good Luck!