Why can't I lose at the moment?

i have been using this app along with my FitBit since July & managed to maintain weight ok until Christmas. I teach 5 Bokwa classes a week this is high energy & cardio combined but until December I was teaching 7 so when I knew my classes were going to be reducing I reduced my calorie intake from 2200 to 2000. I had a few days off over Christmas & put on 4 lbs overall in 5 weeks so not too bad BUT since then I have followed the app advice of 1500 calories a day but for the past few weeks I gave logged everyday but lost 2 lbs over 2 weeks then put it back on! Any ideas I am now trying to keep Carbs 50% Pro 25% & Fat 25% but I feel tired, hungry & grumpy I just don't know what to do! My week starts on a Thursday so will weigh Thursday morning & hope for some encourament. Any advice gratefully received & by the way in a addition to my normal excercise I also completed the 31 day Jsnuary challenge of squats, sit-ups, burpees , press ups & running up & down stairs please help if you can