Daughter-Mother motivation

I am looking for suggestions how I can motivate my mom to start a weight loss journey and a healthier lifestyle.

My mom used to be quite thin in her youth, and it took her no effort to keep a healthy weight almost up till menopause. Now that she is 55, she gained some weight. Needless to say it makes her less healthy, less happy and less confident. She wants to lose weight.
I told her all I knew about a healthy diet, calories, macros, showed her MFP. I forwarded links to various workouts, like Walk at Home and short full-body workouts for people with bad knees (that was her big concern when it comes to exercise), showed her a Couch to 5K app. She tried them once, said she liked them and never pushed "play" again. I would love for her to join a group class, as that is the best way to start when you're so new to exercise. However, I know she will not sign up for it herself, and I cannot afford to do it for her.
She tells me sometimes that she did hula hoop for 5 minutes or 10 squats in the morning or skipped that extra cookie. And she lives the whole week with a sense of accomplishment after that. I know that for her to lose weight, she needs to be involved, motivated, excited.
What can I do to inspire and motivate her to make that first step?