Whats A good amount of excersize?

I HATE to excersize but I have actually enjoyed walking on the tredmill for 1 hour everyday. I walk "briskly"(at least for me) at a 3.5-4.0 speed which lands me around 4 miles. I lose 350-400 calories. Is that a good amount or is that low if your looking to lose weight? If so what is a more efficiant excersize I can do to lose more calories?


  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    Any exercise is good. Walking is really good, since it is kinder to the joints than running or squats and almost everyone can do it.
    I have been losing about a pound a week on 200 or less exercise calories a day, and making sure I eat my 1200, or more calories per day. I could still lose weight and not exercise, but it is better for the heart, brain, and joints to exercise and get the blood pumping.

    Enjoy your walking, if that is what you like best. :drinker:
  • bigmackattack69
    I hve been taking martial arts for 6 months so far and I have lost almost 70 lbs. I do it 2 hours a week. It comes out to about 1000 to 1500 cals per hour. Along with your walking for an hour 3 times a week you should burn between 3200 to 3400 cals a week.
    There are 3500 cals in a pound. You also have to consider your restint metabolic rate. That is how many cals your body burn per day just doing nothing. Once you have that you can figure out how much you can eat and excersize to lose the amount of weight you want to. Most Health clubs offer this testing. It does not take long about 20 minutes. I believe it is called BodyGem. I had mine done and my body burns 2460 cals a day. I excersize 5 times a week at an hour each time. My total cals burned in 1 week is 22,607 cals total. I eat about 17500 cals a week. My net is 11,107cals devided by 3500cals = about 3 lbs a week because no matter how you look at it weight loss is cals out greater than cals in. I could adjust my eating to 3400 cals a week and still lose over a pound a week. I am down from 445 lbs to 324 bls now following this. I hope this helps.
  • BoresEasily
    Don't do what you don't enjoy and anything you do is better than nothing. Find what you like to do whether it be dancing around your house, going for a short/long walk, or whatever. If you don't enjoy what you're doing you won't keep it up long term and that defeats the purpose, just find an activity you enjoy and do it 4-6x a week.

    As for what bigmackattack said that's mostly true except that 3500lbs = a lb of fat. It's not simply a lb, it's just a lb of fat. Muscle is quite a bit different.
  • bigmackattack69
    Sorry I got fat fingered. That was 354lbs so far. I went to my doc on Fri I have lost another 13lbs. Now at 341.
  • bigmackattack69
    That is true. Thanks for that. I would not mind putting on some more muscles but You have to eat to do that also. I am just trying to cut down on my fat at this point. Thanks again for the clerification.