depression battle



  • traveler82
    traveler82 Posts: 5 Member
    I think everyone else has the right idea. Your not alone in your fight, knowing there is a problem is the first step. To often sleeping serves as a means to escape from whats going on. Getting out of the house might be hard, but go to starbucks and read or something, just being in public helps. Also seek medical help, a Dr. will be the best personal to help you. I thought I was suffering from depression for years starting in college, come to find out years later its bipolar type 2 and the new meds are awesome and I feel so much better. While meds arent for everyone, if there is something more than just a case of the Monday's its time to get support. If your in college there should be a guidance or health center you can go to.
  • Keep going girl, you got it!! Joining Kickball was a great move, staying active can beat anything especially depression! Best of luck ;)
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    I've read that low fat diets can exacerbate and even cause depression because the brain needs fat to function properly.

    My guess is that this was noticed during a study of something else since it would probably be unethical to to directly study this. Inducing depression would be as unethical as deliberately exposing people to diesel exhaust without telling them. Oh wait, the EPA actually did that.

    Low fat diets do not cause depression.

    They can, if an individual is sensitive to it. Low fat diets can prevent the formation of estrogens, which are critical for mood stabilization in men and women. This isn't an attack of a kind of diet, but making healthy choices requires that people are aware of all possibilities, and how those choices can affect them.

    Yes, healthy choices are crucial, but low fat diets do not cause depression. When someone is going through the assessment process, asking if they eat a low fat diet is not part of the process. I agree that people need to be aware of how his or her choices are an important part of recovery and that healthy choices are part of that process. However, the statement that low fat diets cause depression fuels the misconceptions of mental health diagnosis.
  • redhotbeads
    redhotbeads Posts: 62 Member
    Depression is hell! I've suffered from it for about 20 years now, two deep depressive episodes in fifteen years -- otherwise, managed well with meds and believe it or not, exercise. I have found that when I'm exercising, I feel better than I do when I don't. And don't get me wrong - sometimes it is an absolute b*tch to make myself go to the gym. I've recently purchased a Jawbone UP, which motivates me to move -- and any moving is good. I think staying active and if you can get some help, that's good too. I think there are a lot of us on here who suffer from it. Therapy is work, but it's also good. Best wishes and good luck to you; I'm happy to be an ear if you'd like one.
    Take care!