C25K Success Stories Please?



  • melduf
    melduf Posts: 468 Member
    When I first did C25K, my nutrition wasn't in line so I actually gained a few pounds. But when I started being more carefull and doing a bit of HIIT and occasionally swimming on top of running, I started droping pounds fast!
    I weighed 195 lbs (5'1'', 27 yo) when I started in April and by mid-october I ran 8K non-stop. I'm now at 176 lbs.
    Running is great and addictive. Make sure you read a few blogs about good form and other advices to avoid injuries.
  • RinnyLush
    RinnyLush Posts: 389 Member
    I did C25K this time last year and it was great! I finished my race in under 30 minutes, and ended up being drawn for the grand prize - my weight in beer! :smiley: I catered my boyfriend's birthday party with my winnings the following weekend. I lost 10 lbs during my training, and fell (even more) in love with running. I am currently doing the 5K to 10K training program and am running the same race again this year.

    My experience was not without it's setbacks, mind you. I developed really terrible 'Runner's Knee' and, at first, was too stubborn to rest and treat it. BIG MISTAKE. The pain was awful and I ended up having to take even more time off from my training. After plenty of rest, I purchased a compression sleeve, iced and rolled out my knee after every run, and made sure to schedule rest days in between training. Now that my form has improved I can run pain-free and without my compression sleeve.

    tl;dr? The program is great! Have a goal, remember to rest, and listen to your body. Best of luck!
  • KathleenCora
    KathleenCora Posts: 160 Member
    edited February 2015
    I did a C25k in September of 2014 and ended on thanksgiving. I started at 213 and ended at 183.7lbs I'd say a decent almost 30lbs loss. I started 70lbs over weight though and counted calories pretty vigorously not having many 'cheat' days. I ate on average between 1500 and 1800 so I wasn't starving. My first 5k I was at 39:40....and to be honest I was thrilled it was under 40min! Haha I can now run a 5k in 33min. which I'm again thrilled at!

    at 213lbs and unhappy if you couldn't tell

    End of November right before my First 5k with my 2 boys :) 183.7lbs

    beginning of December 2014 178.1lbs

    Beginning of Jan 2015

    I'm now at 169!! Holy cow, can't believe it myself. I'm in the first 3 weeks of now training for my first 10k. Now that I can actually run for more than 2 min without feeling like I'm dying I LOVE it. :) It's so hard but after you succeed every week it feels like such a giant accomplishment. I can't get over what a success I feel like after I run 3 or 4 miles....I loved learning how to run, how to breath...and how much it's changed my body. It's a beautiful thing when your mind realizes what your body can do. Good luck to you! <3
  • zephyrq
    zephyrq Posts: 22 Member
    I started C25K in June of 2013, not too long after I started dieting, I would guess I weighed 270ish (+/- 5lbs) then. I had problems with my knees when I was swimming competitively a couple decades ago so I have been very careful about increasing mileage slowly. With that being said nearly two years later and I'm currently training for the L.A. Marathon, having completed an 18 mile training run this past Saturday. The program works if you make it work. Invest in some good shoes, I can't tell you what a difference they make. And most of all, have fun with it.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    edited February 2015
    dyemysoul wrote: »
    I'm now at 169!! Holy cow, can't believe it myself. I'm in the first 3 weeks of now training for my first 10k. Now that I can actually run for more than 2 min without feeling like I'm dying I LOVE it. :) It's so hard but after you succeed every week it feels like such a giant accomplishment. I can't get over what a success I feel like after I run 3 or 4 miles....I loved learning how to run, how to breath...and how much it's changed my body. It's a beautiful thing when your mind realizes what your body can do. Good luck to you! <3

    That's what it's all about! C25k helps your mind realize what your body can do! I started c25k in April 2013 to help me change things up a bit to get past a plateau. I literally couldn't run 30 seconds without feeling like I was going to die! Today I ran 6 miles without stopping (and could have gone further). I have run numerous 5k's and several 10k's and am currently training for my first half marathon. I used to HATE running. I like to run now.

    The C25k group is great for support, success stories, etc: Couch to 5k Group