Spinning and running vs. other exercise

Hi all - I was wondering what everyone thought about exercise routines and their impact on weight loss. Right now I'm doing an interval running/walking program where I'm running about 5 min., walking 1 x 10 and working up to a 10k. Also doing spinning at least twice a week. I'm happy with this program, but I wonder if I can get better results adding more to my routine, like swimming or Les Mills Body Pump or Body combat - all of which I do less frequently.



  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    For weight (scale) loss, exercise can help create/maintain a calorie deficit, which is the biggest factor in weight loss. Which exercises burn more calories is largely dependent on how hard you push yourself and for how long.

    Adding more workouts or different exercises can be beneficial, but ultimately you can't out-exercise a poor diet. If your diet is out of control, no amount of exercise will counteract that. If your diet is just a little sloppy at times (rarely, not usually), then a bit more exercise can help "correct" things. However, IMO, that's a bad mindset to have - that exercise is a punishment for poor dietary choices.

    Fat loss is a slightly different conversation, but I won't go down that road unless you specifically want to.
  • NotSoPerfectPam
    NotSoPerfectPam Posts: 114 Member
    Thanks Jacksonpt, the exercise is in addition to major diet changes, but my overall diet and weightloss is centered around getting fitter and healthier. Spinning and bodycombat burn about the same accd to my heart rate monitor - but combat works a lot more muscles.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    In terms of overall health, it sounds like you've got plenty of cardio in your routine. I'd consider doing some dedicated, heavy strength training (actually lifting weights, not classes or DVDs). Much like cardio, it doesn't matter too much what exactly you do as long as you're working you're whole body with sufficient intensity. There are significant health benefits to weight lifting that are different from the benefits of cardio.
  • Roxiegirl2008
    Roxiegirl2008 Posts: 756 Member
    I am a Les Mills junkie. My gym has almost all of those classes. In addition to running I take RPM (it helps me with my endurance), Body Pump once per week. I also work with a personal trainer so I can get a few more days of weight training. Have you done the new release of Body Pump yet? It has some crazy stuff in it.