relocation gaining!

relocated to Michigan from Indiana, and have gained nothing but pounds! I am not at my heaviest I have ever been in my whole life, and would like to meet people with the same struggles, maybe we can accomplish this! I moved alone, so making food for one is a challenge, because I really do not like to cook. I have also picked up a second job contracting out from home, just to keep myself busy, as I only now my co-workers. Maybe this is all part of relocation? Or it could be I am just having a hard time all together. But in the end I need to lose this weight! Add me!


  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 722 Member
    wow that must be hard being in a new place!! this weight loss thing is hard. i will send you a friend request. I am at the heaviest I have ever been I need to lose 30 pounds and I have no excuse!!! Good luck in the new place and with this journey